Seems that Boris wants lots of different places to hand them out such as army, pharmacies and vets to take away the burden from doctors and nurses.
There are thousands of trained medical staff either retired or out of work for other reasons. Employ them on a temporary basis. If they’re willing.
Back to original comment. watched Zahawi get a grilling on TV ..his arrogance makes Gove look like Mary Poppins Didn't take him long to let it be known anyone not taking it will be a social outcast.
If you didn’t opt out through your gp a couple of years ago, your medical records have probably been shared and sold a few million times in the name of research and efficiency.
When I was at school they gave us the TB jab and they did approximately 60 kids (two classes) in under an hour during a PE lesson. At Barnsley college they lined us all up in the falcon centre to give us a vaccination against something or other (no idea what it was) and it was basically a conveyor belt of students. One long snaking line around the building,not the injection area where about 5 people stood. 5 students approached, jabbed, given piece of paper and the next 5 called. Must have done hundreds of us in one go.
Not going to happen, just think of the logistical problem of dealing with a million people in a day. I'd be impressed with a million in a month, a million in a week would be beyond most countries including ours. We should concentrate on NHS staff and the vulnerable, if they are done by February that would be a significant achievement.
I know it's The Sun but that's the aim.... I remember the exact same school situation as Super Tyke mentioned a few posts up. Hundreds of us in single file snaking around the corridoors at school and we were vaccinated in no time at all. If it was relying on doctors and nurses to do it when they should be concentrating on the bread and butter of seeing patients suffering from stuff then of course we would get nowhere near that. But with how many are already trained up or have been trained up in the army, veterinarian, opticians, volunteers etc it shouldn't be that hard.
Wouldn't have a problem with the immunity passport to be honest. Why should people refusing the vaccine be afforded the same freedom as those having it? They'd be potential spreaders of the virus, potentially akin to someone who refuses to self isolate in the current climate.
Where you going? The vets. What for you don't have a pet? To get inoculated against a virus that won't hurt me, sanctioned after many laws that are there to protect me were ignored in order to bring to market a vaccine that has undergone no long term safety testing. Sounds mint, can I come? Yes, yes you can.
Went for my flu jab outside my local GPs last week and to be fair they were pretty quick about 1 every minute I would say. Guy asking health check questions while the previous person was getting jabbed. Very organised
Basic human rights and liberty? It's not akin to someone not self isolating at the minute as nobody is vaccinated now whereas in future those who want the vaccine will have had it.