R rate below 1. Let's increase the restrictions Suicide will be through the ******* roof this Christmas
What’s the excuse for the Welsh ‘fire break’ not working then? CCTV footage of a bloke with his mask round his chin in Tesco?
Ivor cummins has done some good content on lockdowns and sweden and given more insight into japan, singapore, italy etc and again vitamin d seems to be a big player. I cant believe the government aint asked everyone to take it or be provided with it. Cheap as chips and seems to be key.
I never said he had, I was referring to the people from my original post who he was also replying about.
Number of cases from a test that's not fit for purpose. Review report Corman-Drosten et al. Eurosurveillance 2020 – CORMAN-DROSTEN REVIEW REPORT
With these being the restrictions for England I get the SNP abstaining. Labour I don't, and it makes them look weak in my eyes. Elected representatives refusing to vote while freedoms are stripped from people. I feel politically homeless.
Special mention for Wales though, where the "firebreak" lockdown was so successful they are already having another one.
Labour vote for: 'This is terrible, he's just agreeing with the government. Where's the opposition?' Labour abstain: 'This is terrible, how can they sit there as representatives and do nothing?' Labour vote against: 'This is terrible, how can they be so reckless in voting against protectionist measures?' Criticising Labour is like shooting fish in a barrel. It doesn't help Starmer that half his own party don't want him as leader, in the same way it didn't help Corbyn. This is the fundamental problem with UK politics that needs addressing before we'll be able to fix having a corrupt and incompetent party in control during a horrendous pandemic.
It's a reasonable point that they can't win. But as we saw with Brexit trying to position yourself to disagree with no one just leaves you alone. I just feel of the 3 options you outline, they are taking the worse one. It looks cowardly and weak.
And each of the other options looks the worst one to some other people. There’s no ‘win’ without power to change. And it doesn’t matter how many times we say this, people will still want to criticise the nature of the loss. A bit like RedRains pointless analysis of our £10m team being beaten by a £100m team.
There won't be a vote on any trade deals. The Tories forced through a vote earlier in the year (January/February time) to ensure they can be signed without Parliamentary approval.
Politically, I'd be very surprised if they didn't bring something to the house. If only to get Labour to sink with them.
This is true. As much as I can't stand the Tories, they are excellent at taking and holding power - presenting a united front of their own, despite how this may not be the actual case within the party/behind closed doors, and then playing divide and conquer. It's a bit of a pet theory that they'll always spend more time in power relatively as people on the right have a tendency to sit behind a leader in this way, and to follow authority, whereas on the left people are more open to the sharing of power and ideas, which leads to many viewpoints and splits within a party.
Maybe I'm guilty of looking at it from too simplistic a viewpoint but.... I didn’t vote for my MP to abstain. I voted for him to make decisions. Abstaining in a commons vote is not acceptable to me.
That's all well and good if the binary choice presented has an option that is one you believe to be worth taking. Now don't get me wrong, this feels to me like a political manoeuvre to highlight the division in the tory party. But if you feel the test and trace system is failing, the set up for tiering is failing and the mechanism for exiting is non existent, yet believe the risk to life is too high to abandon any form of tiering, what do you do? It's not an unreasonable thing to look on and know it will go through from abstaining, but highlight you aren't happy with the poor choice and the very poor evidence put forward for making the choice on offer.