I agree, but why stop at COVID? Let's get whooping cough, flu, diphtheria, polio, tetanus and meningitis all mandatory. I'll tell you what, I don't want anyone allowed into a pub who hasn't had PrEP for HIV just in case they accidentally spunk up my arse.
Is the right to life (of those people that can't be vaccinated) more or less important than your right to choose whether to have a vaccination or not? You want it over, I want it over, we all want it over, but the quickest way to do that is to suck it up and get a vaccination so that it can be over for *everyone including those that can't have a vaccine*
That's a pretty facile way to put the question. Are the rights to life of road accident victims less important than your right to get somewhere without using public transport? Do you therefore support the banning of cars? I think it's fundamentally important that the state does not force a novel vaccine without long term tests on its subjects in response to something which is in the vast majority of cases non lethal by supporting the withdrawal of liberty for non-compliance. It's authoritarianism and I find it baffling that people are willing to welcome it with open arms.
I'm trying to think of an example from history of a Government telling it's people that it was acting in their interests in increasing its levels of authoritarianism and it actually turned out to be telling the truth. Nope, can't think of a one.
No individual should be obligated to have the vaccine. No business should be obliged to serve those who haven't had the vaccine, medical exemptions excepted, as per the Equality Act. This is all about liberty. Freedom of choice.
I'm confused by some of the posts on here. If the most vulnerable and those that want to be are vaccinated then surely it doesn't matter if some people don't want it as the most vulnerable etc will be protected so there would be no need to put any restrictions on anyone. That assumes the vaccine works which is another matter.
Same for all infectious diseases? In order to buy anything at all you have to produce a medical card, that's what you're proposing?
I usually find myself agreeing with a lot you say and I think you're a thoughtful poster. So your comment, is it machoism (you dont strike me as the type); you have some immunity; you dont think the virus exists; you think it does but if you catch it the consequences dont warrant a vaccine; or something else? Just trying to understand the comment and where you're coming from.
I was speaking about me personally. I am not in an at risk group. It wouldn't hurt me (it didn't when I had it). Like it wouldn't hurt 99.999% of people my age and below who don't have serious underlying health conditions. It's not a killer virus for most people. That's not machismo, it just is. It's a respiratory disease where the pathogen is a virus. Like the many other diseases of this type we have to deal with it preys on the old and the weak. Unlike many others, it has very little effect on the young. In time, when properly tested, as we do for vaccines of every other disease, a vaccine will be very welcome. Until then we live with it, like we've lived with all manner of diseases throughout human history. Many so much worse than this.
For a vaccine to work then there has to be a certain percentage immunised else cases will start creeping up again like with measles.