You said you never had a test Jay though didn't you? So you aren't certain. Sure it might not affect you, but you aren't fully sure because you don't know whether you've had it or not.
Don't disagree with any of that. I suppose if the potential spread is as potent as we are led to believe however then that's the main argument for vaccination. But I take your point about the reliability/safety of any potential vaccine.
It's true I was really ill at the Feb and had all the symptoms, laid out in bed for a couple of weeks with a horrible cough. Didn't think much of it at that time but as we headed into March i started to wonder if I'd had it. Then in September I tested positive after been in contact with someone at work who did. Aside from a slight loss of taste I was absolutely fine. So you can't just assume you've had it because you've been ill. It's so deadly often you don't even know you've got it or had it.
Slippery slope fallacy, but I'll bite. No, not all infectious diseases, though I'd certainly like to see something in place for measles though. Kids shouldn't be allowed in schools unless they had MMR (again with exemptions for medical reasons). There will be plenty of pubs, shops and so on that won't require a vaccine, plenty of places illegally opened during lockdown and I'm sure you'll be able to find a pint because they're happy to take on the risk. If a cinema, bus company or football club decide to ban you then so be it. Not every vulnerable person will be able to have the vaccine, they rely upon those who can to protect them by having the vaccine and limiting the prevalence in the community.
Right wing extremist views have been normalised in today’s Britain. I don’t recognise this country anymore. Just to be clear - you would exclude children from the state education system if their parents had funny religious beliefs or daft non scientific views?
You fk*cing Nazi. Don't present yourself in front of me. As I've said for a few months, this is going to be civil war.
LOL, if anything I think I'm the one leaning left here. "It wouldn't hurt 99.999% of people my age and below who don't have serious underlying health conditions" - your words - so **** those that do, eh? You should change your name to "I'm Alright Jay". But yeah, you not getting into the cinema makes me a Nazi. Embarrassed for you.
You're right I don't know for certain. But like everyone else my age and below, if I didn't have it and I do get it I'll be OK, because it's not a serious disease for healthy people.
It was slightly facetious I admit. A pandemic so bad we have to go hunting for cases. For clarity I'm not trying to suggest it doesn't exist or push a conspiracy theory. In fact I dare say a conspiracy would be better organised than this shambles. Just that I don't think the repsonse is proportional to the actual threat at the moment. Jabs could start as early as this weekend with sites being set up around the country with the army involved.
Brilliant. I’ll go and tell my friend that her husband isn’t really dead, he must just be asleep. Fantastic news.
It will be interesting to see how quick the rest of the world approve it now we have. If this side of Christmas we are the only country then it's going to look like a rushed decision and people will ask questions as to what we see it in that nobody else does.