Short trousers! When I were a lad I was lucky to have a piece of cotton to wear. And that was washed once a week on a Monday so I went out in the snow in a photo of a piece of cotton. Vest ! What's one of those? I had a bit of fluff out of the Hoover glued to my chest and I still sweated. The winter of 1963 was a good time for me fashion wise. You young uns, jessies.
Hoover? Wtf was a hoover. We had rugs and every Christmas Eve my job was to hang the rugs on the washing line and beat it to death before Santa came. I remember in 63 that great winter in 6ft of snow I actually froze to my carpet beater and had to be defrosted in front of the fire. I think I got a scarf from Santa that year.
Fire? wtf is a fire??? When arrr wor little we had to huddle rarnd a mug of boiling water that mi Mam had boiled. Then arrrr did a double 12 hour shift darrrrn pit, all befoor arr went ta school
I was about 8 at the time and remember it well. I particularly remember climbing out of my upstairs bedroom window directly on to the snow...
I guess that was the last time that Newmillerdam properly froze over... I recall literally hundreds of people on the ice and no one was bothered about falling through ! Them were t’days
I remember the 3rd round FA Cup match against Everton being postponed loads of times because of the snow. Eventually they rolled the pitch so that the snow would just take a stud, painted the lines blue and the game went ahead. No concern for the fans around the frozen streets near the ground. You just had to be careful. Oh and we lost 3-0.
And we still went to school remember walking to school from Mapplewell to Carlton when it was bad.They did not close the schools then if there is an inch of snow.
Boiling water?? Pffft. My dad got a box of extra strong mints every Xmas. He had one every evening after tea and me, mi mam and mi sister used to sit around his breath to keep warm.
You had it lucky. The snow was so deep around our house that we had to climb out through the chimney. It would have been ok if it hadn't been for some dopey fat bloke with a white beard and red suit trying to get in at the same time. Stuck in that chimney for three days, we were. Mam had to pass the turkey and yorkshires up on a pulley system on Xmas day.
OK serious now. When I was a kid, we never had a gas fire in the houses we lived in until I was about 11, before that it was coal fires. Being a kid I was unable (or allowed) to "make" the fire. We never had central heating until I was about 13ish.
You were lucky. Central heating never came my way until 1982. We moved from a flat with only an electric fire in the living room to a 3 bedroom house with gas central heating. The reason we moved was because our first born came on Jan 4 1982. What luxury.
Similar. Born in 65 I was 14 when we got Central Heating, which my dad insisted should be used for a max of 2 months every year. Before that, coal fires, gas fires, and the experience of seeing your breath in the house and seeing frost on the inside of my bedroom window.
Extra strong mints !! We had hand-me-down "mints" that had all the flavour sucked out of them by the people before us. They looked more like those tablets you used to put in pans of hard peas to make them mushy, and tasted like them. And don't get me started on peas. We were lucky if we got a plateful of gravel to suck.
The Missus was born on 22nd December 1962, the day the anticyclone set in over Scandinavia and the easterly winds started the cold weather and the snow. Not saying the events are connected, but at times I do wonder. To be fair, in those days the teachers mostly lived in the village and could walk to school. Now they all live miles away...