REDS TO BEGIN BUBBLING PROCEDURE Club News Barnsley FC has today allowed supporters to create their own ‘bubble’ in anticipation of fans returning to Oakwell. Continue reading on the official site...
Best of luck to all those that wish to go I'm perfectly happy watching at home, so I'm not gonna take a spot from anyone
Be good to be lucky enough to see the Huddersfield game as that one to me is like playing Wednesday or Leeds to other Tarn fans. Fingers crossed.
Get ready for the club getting some hammer , however they try to introduce a system, it will not satisfy the masses or the critics from the BBS , popcorn on standby
I, for one, think the club are doing a brilliant job in these testing times. I wish to place on record my thanks to all the people at Barnsley FC, who are keeping our club going.
I echo that , it is not easy for any business in these difficult times , hopefully all the clubs survive .
Agreed. I misread something yesterday and bleated about it on here. Whitey set me straight at about the same time I spotted my error myself. Was a bit embarrassed about it. Club having to deal with changes on a daily basis, can do without the likes of me getting the wrong end of the stick.
So am I understanding right that only put people from your own household in your bubble? (In simple terms - I know there’s other bubbles like childcare etc) Me my dad and brother all live apart from each other, so we will need to enter the ballot separately and just sit wherever in the stadium we get put (if we get chosen). Or is the bubble for people you want to go with and they’ll sit you close to each other but still socially distanced? this is not a criticism btw - just a genuine question I can’t be sure of from the FAQ’s. edit - reading the letter to supporters I think it’s entering separately for us
The bubble is for those you want to go with - I have just set our bubble up, and I don't live with either of the other people in it.
I imagine it’s anyone as in a tier 2 area you can meet in groups of up to 6 outdoors and that’s how many are allowed in this bubble.
I think I the club should be supported and encouraged with their effort. Bottom line is we all want to get fans back in as quickly and safely as possible, and there won’t be a solution that suits everyone. I’ve registered but I’ll wait my turn patiently.
What if someone wins a ballot for a game they can't go to because the ballot isn't for separate matches?
They can tell the club, then the ticket can go to someone else. I think I saw the question in the FAQs