I stand by absolutely everything I post. Always. If I turn out to be wrong, I will happily admit that and apologise, but I stand by absolutely everything I post, as being posted to the honest belief of my hopefully as informed as possible opinion. If in 2 years time we're under martial law and Boris has appointed himself life-long supreme leader, I will apologise for not seeing it coming.
I wonder why you feel the need to invent what other people have said to illustrate your point? Maybe you want to think about that?
So in 2 years what do you think the situation will be that will make me not stand by my opinion on lockdowns? The only thing I can think of is that you think the current restrictions would be permanent and still in place fully in 2 years time. Which to me might as well be martial law and dictatorship. Is that not what you were hinting at?
Why on earth would I want a reasonable conversation, and to be fair that's a reasonable question, with someone who has, time and time again abused me, ridiculed me, shouted at em, attempted to undermine me, over and over and over again, and then complained to the high heavens on the few occasions I've done it back? Why would I do that?
I don't believe I've ever abused you on here, definitely not close to the extent that you have shown to others. We don't always agree and on occasion I might make a joke (which does on occasion come off the wrong way) or throw in some obvious hyperbole, but I don't consider myself to ever be abusive. If I have been I profusely apologise.
Don't apologise, you don't have to, that's not what I meant. You're allowed your opinion. And I'm thick skinned. But just further up this post you did an exhibit A, B,C etc in an attempt to ridicule me. Actually, there is a couple of my posts in there that I totally stand by and they're still relevant now so I don't feel humiliated at all. However, to go from that to the very reasonable way you addressed me a couple of posts later is a massive leap. Even though what you posted doesn't bother me, I'm not desperate to converse with someone who does that.
That wasn’t an attempt to ridicule or humiliate you, I fully expected you to stand by those posts. It wasn’t supposed to be a ‘gotcha’ particularly. I was merely trying to highlight that you can’t claim the moral high ground of people calling you a murderer, when you did the exact same thing and (in my opinion) worse. That’s all. I accept I probably came across more than a little bit pretentious with the Exhibit A, B, C etc. though.
World-renowned German microbiologist Dr Sucharit Bhakdi says this about the Covid vaccines in a Fox News interview... “I think it’s downright dangerous, and I warn you, if you go along these lines, you are going to go to your doom and it’s so unnecessary.” I don’t know much about him... but his Wikipedia page suggests that he probably knows what he is talking about. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sucharit_Bhakdi
To answer your earlier question, there is no conspiracy, it's not about power or control, it's about money. To get money you need a certain amount of control, but that is not the end game. It wasn't originally driven by greed, it was driven by fear, but that fear has been exploited. Covid-19 is real, it's a respiratory infection, and like all respiratory infections it is brutal to the elderly and those with underlying health conditions. It is worse than some respiratory infections, not as bad as others. We didn't protect the elderly or those with underlying health conditions. We continue to fail to do so. I urge you to research the amount of money spent on testing of those who display no symptoms and the benefits of that. Here's a good start: I urge you to look at what tiny proportion of that could have been spent on instant result targeted testing for care workers/NHS staff that would have protected vulnerable people. I urge you to look at the share prices of huge online retailers over the last year, like Amazon for instance. I urge you to look at the findings of investigations into the behaviour of scientists who represent pharmaceutical companies during the near misses we've had with epidemics this century. I urge you to look at how many politicians sit on the boards of pharmaceutical companies and multinational retailers and ask yourself in whose best interest they are acting in. I urge you to look at just how much money is being spent on vaccines and tests. I urge you to look at the news headlines every day for the last 10 months then compare the amount of deaths from Covid-19 to that of cancer. I urge you to read research papers of what people can be influenced to do when they're scared. I urge you to compare the gap between the rich and the poor prior to Covid and in six months, when it's gone. Our lives have been exploited to do this, and I'm fk*cing angry.
Most of SAGE have links to big Pharma. And the SAGE notes from earlier in the year are all online. Its all about coercion and fear....
As regards the vaccine we all have to make a judgement about whether or not to take it (whichever one it is) so do the reading, weigh up the pros and cons for yourself and society and make your own decision. As to the comments about people being OTT on this message board all I can say is if you think you're going to overreact and insult someone just don't post. I've bit a couple of times myself in the past and ended up apologizing. Just think. We're all Barnsley fans so try not to upset fellow Barnsley fans if at all possible. If you think someone is a total nob its possible they're not.
The MHRA is completely independent of the government. I imagine the scientists at the MHRA would find it incredibly insulting to suggest that their decision could be in anyway influenced by government pressure. Their entire career is built upon upholding the highest standards of professional integrity.
Whether or not you choose to heed the warnings of experts in the field is certainly your prerogative. I hope you manage to get the vaccine soon. I’m sure you will be absolutely fine.
The rich will always exploit a disaster for their own gain. Whatever the government did, they would exploit it and gain financially. As it happens I think far more rich tory donors will lose out as the result of a lockdown than the alternative. I still absolutely believe these restrictions are necessary. What's happened here isn't a Tory policy. The Tories were vocally against lockdown, until scientists persuaded them otherwise. All around the world the right wing parties are more vocally against lockdown and restrictions, whereas the left wing parties are locking down, saving lives, but ensuring the people are looked after. Unfortunately we've got the worst of all worlds. A government that has listened to scientists and done what is necessary, but who refuse to effectively look after the population.
You keep repeating this claim that lockdowns have saved lives, for which you have no proof or scientific peer reviewed study. If lockdowns are so effective at lifesaving, please can you explain why some of the countries with the strictest lockdown policies in Europe, such as Spain and Italy, have been amongst the highest death rates. People keep repeating an assumption as if it’s fact, and using it as a justification for all the death and poverty which lockdown has and will continue to cause for years to come - something which we know as fact and not just a ‘common sense’ assumption.
Sorry but your second paragraph is a tad hypocritical if you are pulling up someone for basically doing the same thing your first. Unless you have a time machine and are keeping what you know a secret. I think you can both make reasonable assumptions but don't kid yourself that what you are saying is any more fact than BR's statements.