I'm.not sure why people are so keen for everyone else to get it, if you are vaccinated then your covered. Why is everyone so concerned with what everyone else does.
No vaccination, no vacation - at least abroad. Airlines will not let people fly without a vaccination certificate so those against it will be holidaying in the UK.
I'll never eat octopus again. I think some of my best friends are octopus, I just haven't met them yet.
Because some of the most vulnerable in society are unable to have it. Plus there’s a 5-10% chance of it not working. Enough people need to have it that the virus dies out and/or we reach herd immunity. Simple as that.
Give it watch mate, it's on Netflix, honestly it's excellent. They're such intelligent creatures. It's brilliant, I defy anyone not to love it.
To be honest Jay when I saw your message I assumed you were in on the joke and you were saying mandatory holidays were also bad
To be fair my sister put this on Facebook yesterday. So I've had an unfair advantage here. She lives in Tenessee and the responses were interesting to say the least. Had some fun with it but all good natured.. Just for the record I'm all for freedom of choice.
Can,t really see the issues with having it, but also can,t understand people getting the hump with those that choose not to, if they do pass on the virus, they,re only gonna pass it on to others that wouldn,t have it, and that as they say is their look out..