31 wins as a pro and over 70 years involved in Golf. He's the voice of the sport and should have been knighted. His family said it was unexpected.
Very relaxed, stylish, laid back, classy commentator. Along with John Arlott & Jim Laker, one of my all time favourites and I don't even like golf.
Even if you were in a different room to where the telly was, if you heard his voice you knew the golf was on. A sad loss to the sport and I don't even like golf.
As my Nanan used to say. If you can’t say anything nice about someone don’t say anything. So I won’t!
Voice of Golf. Up there with Terry Wogan as a broadcaster. RIP. Loved the documentary about his life as a golfer and him and Tony Jacklin really were champagne golfers. Sad day. Genuinely touched with loss of a true great. Lip went this morning n' Laura looked at me daft didn't know who he was lol. Maybe I'm daft
Peter and his wife used to host our annual corporate golf event. We called it the Grand Match with ex Ryder cup players against ex Walker cup players. Anyway the reason why I write this is that Peter was possibly the nicest host you’d ever meet. He wasn’t like may golfers who are great when the cameras are on but a genuine guy who had time for anybody. He was a great speaker, even in the final years insightful, honest and hilarious. A genuine great of golf and a thoroughly decent chap.
Aye, Peter Allis was a commentator who was very descriptive of his surroundings and set the scene of what was about to unfold which he did with great knowledge and humour. R.I.P. Peter.