I always love it when a statement is prefixed "I'm not a racist but... " We clearly have a percentage of knuckle draggers, but thankfully not too many last long on this board. Not looked at Tykes Mad in years TBH, it was the first one I came across but never got round to posting. It took about 5 years for me to get round to setting up an account & posting on here & now I'm one of the biggest gobsh!tes. I'd just like to say I'm not a racist but...
So I'm guessing we might a few big tough Patriots who'll do the same when we have fans back. I do hope I'm not sat too close to any of them, would be a real shame to have to have a quiet word.
They'll probably it makes em more Barnsley and patriotic or something like that. Or they were back of the class in English language lessons.
'we don't all go out on a Thursday night anymore and clap or bang saucepan's but it doesn't mean we don't appreciate or support the NHS does it' I tend to agree with this statement that was made in that thread. I fully expect more incidents like the one at Millwall yesterday to occur as more and more fans go back in the coming months. The fans will be vilified for it and labelled as racists as a consequence. Wonder if the same vitriol will be aimed at any players who decide they no longer wish to take the knee ? What if someone, lets say for arguments sake, Cauley Woodrow, decides he no longer wishes to take the knee before kick off. Will we claim he is racist and demand he is sold immediately ?
He would certainly get a few alarming looks. It will be interesting to see how this plays out as fans start returning
Taking the knee has to be the decision of every player. Booing those that do though is unacceptable, whatever angle you look at it.
Hardly the same thing is it? One is a show of support for health professionals and the other is supporting a minority political movement. Since when did politics have a place in sport?
I think the players will know the abuse their black team mates get and would be very surprised if many wouldn't genuinely want to show support.
If you're on fb have a look at the efl championship banter page, the vast majority of the hundreds of posts support the booing ( i dont btw) the general consensus is that its not booing against, end racism, or stand up to racism its more of the dislike of the particular movement BLM and their wishes and hopes regarding the release of prisoners and the defunding of police, add into that the the riots and vandalism which occurred last summer, btw this is what I've been reading, it doesn't reflect my mindset or opinion on the matter, just before someone asks me a whataboutry questions, like i said have a look if you can
Certainly not. I sincerely hope this was an isolated incident but i have a feeling it wont be. As i replied in a previous comment it will be interesting to see ow it plays out. I wouldnt be surprised to see 'taking the knee' scrapped or replaced as things get back to normal
But they are not supporting a minority political movement for the 100th time. They are standing (or kneeling) shoulder to shoulder with their black team mates to show that racism has no place in football or in wider society.
I completely agree and please dont think i am in support of the millwall fans, i just agree with the statement that i quoted. Everyone hopes its an isolated incident. I tend to think it wont be
So a bunch of footballers, or cricketers etc etc kneeling before the game is going to change actions and attitudes? Of course it isn’t. Just how long do they keep doing this by the way? Another month or two? Another year? Until the twelfth of never? Anything they do along these lines will not make a jot of difference and i definitely do NOT support the clenched fist Black Power salute.