I've just replied to Jay on this and Niemoller had slipped from my memory. I certainly have read the powerful poem referred to, but I wasn't asked to write about him. It would have been an interesting one, certainly, unlike many of the 600+ that I covered who deserved their place in the obscure poets section (strictly in MY opinion, obviously ).
Makes them (and us by association unfortunately) look like absolute idiots who have less brain cells than a glass of water.
I'm not suggesting for one minute that no one has the right to criticise me, or anything I say. Of course they have that right but some of it comes over as abusive at times. It's as if it's not possible to hold an alternative view without being shouted down. Frankly, I can't be bothered to argue the point with some people, and that's my right as well . I'm not such a sensitive soul that I can't take a bit of criticism. Good grief, I spent 39 years of my life in RAF environments so I know how to take it!
Same with the multi coulor flags they put up every year for gay and bisexual players and fans? Pack that in now we see it every year... cant really see problem none of it bothers me people kneeling for 10 seconds or multi coulored corner flags etc
I know you didn't and I'm not suggesting that you did. It's just a bit tiresome when I enter an ongoing discussion and offer a view that isn't the majority one on here so, obviously, I am clearly in the wrong. I must learn to avoid any political, religious or current affairs topics on boards like this. I'll stick to football in the future.
What an OUTRAGEOUS thing to say. I might have mentioned this once or twice on here. Not sure but, just for your benefit: I joined the Royal Air Force in 1970 and served for 24 years. Where I served and what I did is none of your business. I then transferred to the Ministry of Defence Civil Service where I carried on working for the RAF in much the same areas of employment. So, how do you think I would react to someone booing the TWO minutes silence on Remembrance Day?
You are, and will always be, one of my favourite posters on here. In fact, when you took a bit of a hiatus I genuinely missed your contributions. With this issue, though, I believe our viewpoints to be polar opposites.
You said you're about as racist as I am. Yet, I never said anything about race. I merely stated my surprise and shame that you thought the knee at football matches represented a support for a political movement. Because I've always (over many years) found you a very intelligent and interesting poster.
But why is it such an inconvenience to watch someone nearly for a few seconds before kick off? Unless you disagree with the cause i really struggle to see why anyone would object to it.
Having an opinion on something that's opposite to yours changes all that? I hope not because I wouldn't wish to offend you, or any other sensible person on here.
Can I also say that I am in no way jealous of your current stay in Spain(!) No way(!) Absolutely not(!) It doesn't bother me one little bit(!)