It's not about opposing opinions buddy. Your 'opinion' is an incorrect statement. When players at football matches take the knee, they are doing so to stand united against racism, they're saying no to any form of discrimination or prejudice.
Sunshine day after day isn't all it's cracked up to be you know. I'm missing the sleet, the snow, the fog, the sub-zero temperatures. Oh, hang on....
Well let's work it out. Booing the 2 minutes silence for Remembrance Sunday - OUTRAGE. Booing taking the knee - crack on lads. Yep, you're a hypocrite.
Ok, and this will be my last word on this. It's what you say - my OPINION. I never suggested that it was based on any factual evidence, scientific, or government sponsored, or any kind really. It was just my random thinking on the subject and I truly wish I had just ignored this thread from the start. We can't all be right, can we
You know I don't think I've ever, in my whole life, said "crack on lads" in any situation. I know with absolute certainty I didn't say it here. Sorry, I just had to respond to your remark even though I just said to YTBFC this is my last word on the subject. This is now, DEFINITELY, my last word on the subject. Go target someone else with your name calling, please.
Most of Tykes Mad posters have stopped going to watch Barnsley and a good percentage of them are brain dead Brexiteers who have no understanding what so ever what leaving the EU entails and just about everyone is up one another's arse, If one says taking the knee is wrong then they all jump on the same bandwagon, I used to post on Tykes Mad and reading the bullshyte they print literally makes me sick you can tell what they are like when Young Nudger can go on there and blend in with his racist views.
You're right, it is outrageous. That's my point. Why is booing on remembrance day more outrageous to you than booing the fight for racial equality? That makes you a massive knóbhead.