No one is asking you to support a clenched fist black power salute. Just allow those that do it, they obviously feel the need.
Nobody is obliged to take the knee. But to boo those that do, is a direct affront to what it represents and therefore an act of racism. If it happened at Oakwell, I’d feel like running on the pitch & joining them. which isn’t a good idea, as it could take me half hour to get back up...
No you couldn't, it's once a year, it's not the start of every game, if it was I'd offer exactly the same concerns
It has. If you look on the shirts the "No Room For Racism" logo has replaced BLM and on TV you'll hear the commentators referring to the "No Room For Racism" Campaign. The racists can't hide behind "IT'S A MARXIST POLITICAL MOVEMENT I KNEE TO NOBODY" lie that they've been peddling any more.
Yeah but every bloody year, it's been going on for over a hundred years now. And it's two minutes long, two minutes of my life I'll never get back just for some political nonsense. I'm all for war and fighting and stuff but this is ridiculous etc etc.
That wasn't the Niemoller original, but a longer update by the Holocaust Memorial Trust (established by the British government). However, obligatory HMHB quote: "They came for the palmists, but I wasn’t a palmist so I did nothing They came for the bungee jumpers, but I wasn’t a bungee jumper so I did nothing They came for the players’ agents, but I wasn’t a players’ agent so I did nothing They came for the Charles Manson fans, but I wasn’t a Charles Manson fan so I did nothing They came for the reflexologists, but I wasn’t a reflexologist so I did nothing They came for the camp TV chefs, but I wasn’t a camp TV chef so I did nothing They came for the RoMos, I laughed They came for the martial arts enthusiasts, but I wasn’t a martial arts enthusiast so I did nothing They came for Eamonn Holmes and I think I’m right in saying I applauded They came for the fire-eaters, but I wasn’t a fire-eater so I did nothing They came for Dani Behr, I said she’s over there, behind the wardrobe Turn a blind eye, sometimes it’s best to" - Turn a Blind Eye Already looking forward to the next thread about this topic around 8 p.m. tomorrow.
The only people who are going to be booing the players who take the knee are the racists. Some of us will actively support the stance, while others will just tolerate it. The racists have had pretty much their own way these last few years - think Donald Trump, Brexit. When every foot ball match had majorettes doing the pre match entertainment, it was irritating for me, but I wouldn't have dreamt of booing them, and accepted it for what it was - just a few kids having harmless fun. Surely those who disagree with the knee can do just that and accept it for what it is - a realisation that racism still exists, and that it has no place in a football stadium.
Taking the knee is a reminder to those who are racist that they are not welcome, in football at least. They are the only people who will be upset by the actions.
All supporters know that Millwall have the worst fans in the country - the most violent, the most racist, the most hateful. Anything that upsets these morons is to be applauded. In most clubs dirtbags like these are the minority - with Millwall it is the majority. They have just got to start banning them from the Den, even though the crowd that is left will number the same as they get for a Dagenham and Redbridge home game .
What has been quite amusing to read is people defending Millwall fans on social media. I know a Rotherham fan who hates that club - they smashed up Rotherham Town Centre the other year and a bunch of them intimidated his mother whilst she did a bit of shopping whilst he and his dad went to the match. But because he's so far down the rabbit hole of snowflake/marxist/defund the police/wokeness/liberal leftiness that he's been doing some incredible mental gymnastics to defend them. It's been fun to watch to be honest. He's hated Millwall for years. Can't stand them. Thinks their the worst club in the land. But booing taking the knee? They're now brilliant and standing up against the "woke virtue signalling"
Why should that end? All those young lads and men gave their life for this island and many other countries!