No, but all racists voted for Brexit/Trump. And the Brexit/Trump successes in 2016 validated the racists and gave them what they believed to be a mandate for their bigotry. The world would be a far better place today if Britain voted remain and Trump lost.
Agreed. Although I suspect many of them signed up thinking it would be a great adventure, they'd get medals, look heroic and be back home in time for extra sprouts.
It takes 5 seconds. Hammill used to hop on alternate feet as he entered the field and then rummage around with his hands down his shorts for 5 seconds before the whistle EVERY SINGLE GAME but I didn’t boo him. I’d rather see someone kneeling than that.
Brighton fans just applauded the players taking the knee, good idea, I will do that when I'm next at oakwell.
Whilst the once a year compared to every match is true, the kneeling is only done by others, not the fans. All fans realistically have to join in the silence and that lasts for 1-2 minutes, not someone else doing something for 5 seconds whilst you do whatever you want with that huge luxury of time (as the people who are against it seems to think it lasts for ages).
When you pro rata it there isn't much difference anyway. 2 minutes silence for Remembrance Sunday. 5 seconds x 23 home matches = 115 seconds. So it's actually less. Yes I'm bored.
No, clearly not, and if you'd read what I'd actually written you would see that I was pointing out the potential pitfalls of having mandatory gestures that associate you to a particular cause. Can we have an adult, intelligent conversation about this or not?