Bit of a weird response to a genuine question as you were giving your thoughts and I was interested in them
My name is the same as someone who died in Barnsley a few years before I was born. No connection to the family but I share the name. You really haven't given your thoughts on anything like that imo you've only given your thoughts on the police assuming the identity of dead children with birth certificates etc.
You make a good point, what's in a name? It means nothing to be honest. I'm sure I share my name with people who've lived and died before I was born. I may even share my name with somebody born on the same day as I was and who sadly died shortly after. It's a big grey area to be sure.
Well I thought so. I thought it was at least worth discussing on a discussion forum but apparently it is done, a period of silence is required whatever the **** that means
Yes because that's what this thread was addressing - using dead children's identities. Not just plucking names out of thin air. It's a different thing altogether.
It’s an interesting but moot point! The case in question is use of an identity not just randomly picking a name. My last self employed business used my name, and I used to get lots of enquiries for a similar business in Ripon, the owner of which shared my name (though his business uses a different name). I passed them all on, it never occurred to me to be upset that more than one person had the same name and ran a similar business. It’d be a different kettle of fish if someone approached me to tell me they’d just met my child who’d died 20 years ago.
I understand it's a moot point, it wasnjustnan hypothetical question. Apparently it's harder than you think to make up a fake name (in general I mean, not the police) and when you do make one up it tends to have some link back to you. You'll use one of your heroes names or the names of people you know combined. For example if I was making one up I might end up calling him Luke Redfearn. No idea where I got Like from but I think you can work out the surname or I might try to be more subtle and end up with the name Jay Herring. To most people it's a random name, in reality it's two people off here. With that in mind I can totally see why a quick look on the deaths register and picking out a random name born around the same time as you would make sense. It's more random and makes sure you choose a name that was popular then. So yeah I was just wondering if you or anyone else found out they'd done that and picked out your child or other relations name to use would it stir up the same anger? In other words, at what point do people consider it to be taking someone's identity? The name alone? Or is it only when you use a birth certificate that you're considered to be taking the identity as that is a more deliberate act to say they chose to take over the life of that person rather than just the name. And as I say it was just a question because I found it interesting, there's no right or wrong answer I don't think and I'm certainly not in a position to give an actual opinion but can wonder and ask others how they feel surely?
See my previous post, it’s common practice because it gets you a birth certificate of someone who’s not going to appear and scupper your plans. With a birth certificate you can open a bank acct. with a bank acct you can rent a property, start a job etc etc.
You need a lot more than just a birth certificate to open a bank account, but yes there is the potential for abuse. KYC has tightened up a lot over the years.
No.because there will be any number of John Smiths so how would you ever know? If they'd just used a name then it wouldn't be using your child's identity though. There can be children with the same name and surname in the same class.
they were lovely people throughout the strike, there was virtually no bother until thatcher sent them into battle,i'd never ever trust one as far as i could throw them,ten ton tw@ts who think they are above the law