Nothing there says Barnsley should be tier 3. The seven day average is dropping daily.
I imagine this is why.
But I'll say again. They have the data for individual towns and cities. It takes seconds to look up the data for the south Yorkshire towns. There is no justifiable reason for choosing instead to combine the figures with those of a different area. By the way the reason he's done it is that he is the mayor of bassetlaw as well as south Yorkshire and so has chosen to erroneously display figures for the entire area that comes under his stewardship rather than display figures for the relevant areas. That's how it's happened. Why he's done that I can only speculate
North Nottinghamshire gets lumped with South Yorkshire for all sorts of things. I've never understood why it's part of the Calendar and Look North catchment area for instance.
[/QUOTE] Why don't You put pressure on the government to change the rules to suit what you want ? You seem to enjoy arguing the toss with everyone.
We aren't talking about a TV show we are talking about statistical data for a DIFFERENT geographical area being presented by a Barnsley mp in order to convince the public that measures harmful to Barnsley are required. It simply can't be justified
Exactly. Rates in Barnsley are low and still dropping, yet we’ll all be stuck in our homes for the festive period while the people of Basildon can more than likely go out for a nice meal and bottle of wine in a restaurant. I’m not advocating a pub free for all just a civilised meal with a couple of pints or glasses of wine. Something to cheer folk up and improve their mental health. Not to mention boost the survival chances of hospitality as a whole in our town. You can’t even sit and have a coffee and scone in a cafe but you can dive in to Morrison’s with the hordes. It’s all plain bonkers. Hospitality is obviously the only source of infection.....especially north of Watford.
The public are well known for their self restraint. There's no way the pubs would be packed at Christmas.
You do understand the rules, right? You have to be seated at a table. You can only drink with a meal.
You know how tables, bookings and management works right? Do you really think that a pub or restaurant with tables and a set number of seats would suddenly find itself with hundreds of people in? What makes you think the owners of these hospitality outlets would allow that? Why do you think that a landlord of a pub with a licence to trade is less able to manage customer numbers than an unnmanned bottle of hand sanitizer outside Tesco is?
But Sheffield city region isn't a ******* tier area. South Yorkshire is. He is using data from one area to justify the restrictions in another. Do you really not understand that or are you being deliberately obtuse to prove some ****** up point simply because you want restaurants to close?
How would they be packed if everyone is seated and has to order a meal? I’m sure checks can be carried o How can the pubs be packed if folk have to be seated for a meal? It’s a safer environment than any supermarket and I’m convinced of that. Hospitality is bearing the brunt of this virus and it’s wrong.
Yes but the chef at a pub or restaurant might cough on your food pour your drink into an unwashed glass and generally forget how to run a kitchen hygienically you silly *******. It's obvious what the risk is. The only logical answer here is to ban hospitality permanently as the same chef might cough on your food in 10 years too
I should have said hospitality in the North is bearing I should’ve said hospitality in the north is the main factor in spreading this virus.Not the south.....obviously.