This recent article says there is a shortage of carers by 112000. If they threaten carers to take it then the number will only go up. It's bullying under coercion as a way to make something mandatory under a different name.
I find it unbelievable that after a century and more of fighting for equality for the working class, for women, for sexual orientation, for ethnicity and nationality, for people with disabilities and diseases, it's now OK to openly talk about not employing people who haven't been injected with something that demonstrably, simply by reading the accompanying literature, is shown to have not been tested to anywhere near the extent of what we have for years considered the minimum level to prove safety.
I’m absolutely shocked that anyone is advocating for care home staff to be able to refuse the vaccine and still be allowed into the building. They have a duty of care and that includes taking steps to ensure they don’t bring anything deadly into the environment. If they’re unwilling to do so, perhaps that’s not the job for them. I haven't been emailed the full footage yet but from that bit I wouldn't believe them. He said "currently" no plans so obviously they can change their mind in the future. He urges businesses to not even think about it but doesn't mention making it law if they do decide to not listen to the advice and stop people going somewhere if they can't prove they have had it.
A care home worker was on LBC today. She said they’d asked all 18 of their residents NOK. for permission to vaccinate. Only one gave it! Finally been sent a email of the full transcript of what was spoke of on Monday. Just leaving this here...
He thinks he is in charge of his employees bodies and what they do with them. He compares it to jabs people take to go to places like Africa but those jabs have far more long term data behind them than a jab less than a year old. He doesn't need to pressure people anyway as as three million mark has already happened, so people seem keen to have it without feeling forced. I would be happy with that idea despite the Dutch being petty at customs over a ham sandwich the other day when our food standards are the same as pre Brexit. We have enough vaccines on order to give everyone in the UK an handful each and will be back to normal a lot quicker than European Union will be. When we have sorted Brits out it would show goodwill to help our neighbours get back on their feet sooner.