'i hope Joshua wins' 'i hope Joshua loses' 'i hope it's a good fight' Joshua fight for most of my family 'i hope the darky gets his head knocked off' I wish I was joking
Disgusting isn't it... Because of a speech he made in July in response to BLM. I've seen folk branding him a racist to legitimise their own and then backing Fury as some sort of saint forgetting completely he's a racist homophobe. Seems that's ok though because Fury is white.
I completely understand anyone disagreeing with what he said and get why people would even accuse him of being racist for it. Sort of anyway. But if your response to thinking someone is racist is to racially abuse them then I think that makes you the least intelligent person on the planet.
I still maintain that when he made that speech about "their shops" he was referring to racists rather than white people. That was my take away on it - although if I've read it wrong it won't be the first time.
Of course what he said was racist, "Abstain from spending your money in THEIR shops and spend in economies that invest in black business", if any white person had said that they would have been absolutely crucified for it, nowhere more so than on here..
I can't remember exactly what he said but you're probably right. I think he actually explained himself afterwards but again I can't remember.
That's my take on it to... I wasn't offended by it because I'm not a racist. The amount of people I know that were posting stuff last night on social media was shocking and really showed how far we have fallen as a country but I suppose when the PM makes the comments he does unchallenged this is where you end up.
And hate that 'poison' Nicola sturgeon. Think the Welsh shouldn't have been given any power and love Donald trump.
I can only go on what I've seen and those challenging it have used racist language. You seem very offended by it?
I don't see skin colour, just another bloke. I know that's not terribly patriotic of me, but there you go. I don't believe Joshua or Fury are racist or homophobic either. Nor do I go to them for my views on the world. I like them as boxers, and in both cases, for inspiring others around the world, showing that with the right talent married with application, anyone can achieve their dreams. I feel sorry for you SuperTyke. I've a few racists in my own family. It's one of the reasons I haven't spoken to them for many years.
You really don't think Fury is racist or homophobic? When he said homosexuality was like beastiality that wasn't homophobic?
How is that racist? He didn't say avoid spending money in white businesses and he didn't say spend it only in black businesses. He said to spend it in economies which invest in black businesses, the implication being that he wants to not spend money in economies which avoid investing in black businesses. I think that as Fonzie said the clear implication is that he didn't want money spending in a way which disadvantages black businesses. Which is absolutely fair enough.
I was just pointing out that what he said was racist and had it been a white person saying it they would have been destroyed for it and thats a fact, what he said was wrong, and it doesn,t make anyone a racist for pointing it out..
Your take on it makes no sense, your saying that he meant their shops as in racists , what exactly qualifies as a racists shop?