It does. It SOUNDS very clear and to be honest that is Anthony Joshua's fault. However just because someone words something badly doesn't mean that it actually is clear what was meant. Did he ever say don't shop in white people shops or did he just say their shops? Who is the 'their' in question? For you that is white people, for fonzie that is racist people. See why suddenly it's not so clear?
Sorry to hear that over the year most of my favourite boxers have been as your family put it "darkys" marvin hagler, nigel benn, eubank, SRL, Tyson, Lewis... I think most people who got really "offended/snowflake" by what Joshua said are the ones who hang off Tommy Robinsons every word. But i don't think Joshua shouldn't have got involved in all that. It was quite annoying last night with most of my social media wanting pulev to win. I wanted Joshua obviously and hope him and fury will fight next year. I'm not looking forward to the build up to that fight though.
I've just listened to the speech and I didn't realise just how obvious it is that it's talking about racists businesses. He literally says the vaccine to racism is us. Stop spending in their shops. That couldn't be clearer.
I think you,ll find its you thats doing that, why is it so hard to say that he was out of order, we all know that if Tyson fury had said it everyone commenting would have the exact opposite opinion...
How am I doing that? I'm reacting to the entire quote and providing an explanation of how, in the context, any sensible person couldn't interpret it as racist. If Tyson Fury said it in reverse then it would rightly attract criticism, as there is no inequality towards whites which needs to be addressed. If someone said to avoid spending money in economies which avoid investing in white business then what could the purpose of that statement be? There's no need to say it as it's not a legitimate concern and he would rightly be questioned, as complaining about imaginary disadvantages for whites does suggest racism. As for why people who criticise Joshua get labelled as racist, you have to ask what other labels are there for people who are desperate to criticise a black man for no good reason?
If thats the case , maybe AJ should have stated not to shop at places where racist incidents had taken place rather than "their shops", which is obviously open to interpretation...
Thats the point, the millions of idiots who interpreted it incorrectly, which fuelled their own particular brand of racism.
A 2017 survey found 26% of the UK population admitted to being "very" or "a little" prejudiced towards people of other races. So that's about 16m, and they're just the ones who admit to it...