Sunlit Uplands of a more powerful vacuum, **** English Wine, a holiday to Skegness, a Toyota, fatty lamb every meal, and copycat fake cheese.
Number 6 is great. So we import the fish we like to eat and export the fish we catch within our waters. BrExiT iS GoOd FoR fIsHiNg!
Is this for real? Buy a more powerful vacuum cleaner and a second home to stick it to Brussels? Seriously!
Buy loads of stuff then. Cars, houses, vacuum cleaners and cheese. I have an overwhelming urge to punch whoever wrote this right in face.
Made me sad reading that. Greatest act of self harm in my lifetime. At this late hour, that's the best the leave leaning rag of a paper could come up with. I hope all these leavers will take ownership for the next 10 years.
Apart from the vacuum cleaner which no one cares about, literally every one of those just lists a reason why leaving is ****.
I just love the fact that nearly everyone of those reasons are more expensive than the current options we have, Kobe beef, English wine, UK holidays to name but a few, but at least we can buy a more powerful hoover
Just relax. Tomorrow belong to us! 2021 - the Brexit Boost supercharges the UK economy just as the Boris Vaccine ends the pandemic. 2024 - The first BAE Systems RAMJET arrives in Sydney, journey time 2 hours from the Kent Free Port. This , combined with the airship network and the new transcontinental Hyperloop being build in Bristolia, fully links the New Greater Commonwealth. 2027 - Portugal, Spain, Greece and the Netherlands leave the collapsing EU and apply to join the Commonwealth at Level 2 2028 - NHS life extension treatments push the average lifespan of Level 1 Commonwealth citizens to 500, and Level 2 to 200. The true work of the new British Century begins. 2029 - China, America and Russia submit to the logic of Pax Britanica 2030 - The Windsor AI assumes full sentience, creating a singularity which imprints the Britannic destiny onto spacetime itself.
To summarise... 1. We will have to buy cars that are made in this country as others will be more expensive....East German Trabants spring to mind. 2. We will all be eating lamb as our farmers will no longer be able to export it so there will be loads for us....whether we want it or not. 3. Holidays will be in the UK as going to Europe will be too expensive and a ball ache with the bureaucracy involved. 4. We will be able to buy more powerful vacuum cleaners even though they are worse for the environment.....whoopie. 5. Some luxury goods from Japan might be a bit cheaper....even though we can't afford them when they are. 6. We will be able to eat all that seafood we never wanted to eat before (see number 2) 7. We will be able to buy second homes as interest rates will be low (even though they have been low for 10 years due to a cr@p economy....I'm taking this as a prediction it will get worse after Brexit). 8. No more of those terrible delicious cheeses...we can all have Stinking Bishop.....lovely. 9. We will be able to drink English wine we can't afford (and if we all start drinking it demand would soon outstrip supply) and no more of those terrible beers from Germany and Belgium (Carling anyone?). 10. Corahs and S.R. Gents will reopen so we can all wear British made clothes made by workers on a quid a hour to ensure they are affordable to all. They seem to have missed out the bit about unicorns pulling our gilded carriages along the streets paved with gold
More for the ‘you couldn’t make it up’ list
You can get that price down a bit tbf, if you buy by the kg. Something for the family here. Lovely budget Christmas roast. We can have bunting and celebrate taking back control.
I enjoyed my trips to France till one after we voted Brexit, they was a tad more frosty to us in general
& there was me thinking it was all a ***** idea. I feel a right berk after reading that.. Up the Brits, we’re brilliant..