So all the IDIOTS and RACISTS that interpreted it differently shouldn,t have judged AJ , but its ok for you to judge them? i have a couple of asian friends and i also have a gay son, all of whome i,m completely ashamed of, but to offset the shame i,ve had my head shaved , got some tattoos on my neck and bought a harrington jacket, it makes me feel much better..
Sorry, you should have mentioned your Asian friends earlier. I take it all back, you can't possibly have any racist tendencies or sympathies now.
come on now, stop splitting hairs, its obvious what you meant...I said millions of people interpretade it differently and you replied "yeh, theres millions of racists"..
Obvious to you perhaps. I thought it was obvious that AJ was referring to racist shop owners. We obviously just think differently.
I must be honest, when the speech was first made it made me really angry. I was 100% behind the BLM marches and movement that was going on at the time and remember thinking that finally, we might get to a point where skin colours and religions are looked at 100% equally by vast, vast majority, and eventually all. Then I saw clips of the speech AJ made, and al I could think about was that he was marking the battle lines out, and "they" were white people, and "we" were black and other non-white people. I couldn't believe anyone would be so stupid to do that as it would simply move the goalposts rather than solve the problem. Then I finally took a step back, and watched the whole speech with a clear mind, and although I still think the way he worded it was clumsy, it is fairly obvious that he meant shops owned by racist owners/majority shareholders etc.
Just out of interest is the 26% related to white people only or did the survey include a full spectrum of all ethnicities? I seriously doubt that its only whites who are racist,i know for a fact that some indian lads i know hate pakistani's and visa versa, i 've heard them having ding dongs in cash and carries, i have a indian firm deliver to my store and the driver told me he hates it when he has to deal with pakistanis,(he didnt describe it in these words either), , the firm offers sale or return on their goods and he says week in week out pakistanis are invariably trying to pillock him with their returns, he literally hates them with a passion), to me this is racism as well, racism isnt limited to whites only
I presume it's across all races. I've no doubt that racism exists across the spectrum and it should absolutely be eradicated in all its forms. But given we are a majority white country, racism by whites will be by far the most common, most normalised and capable of causing most harm.
I'm pretty sure Anthony Joshua isn't talking about racist shop owners. He's talking about big business that doesn't invest in black businesses/economies. He's talking about shopping in local communities with shops owned by local people, whatever the colour of the skin of the person owning the shop. He's not saying don't go to the Multinational Pharmacy Brand on the High Street because Brenda the store manager has said a few a things close to the knuckle, go to the branch down London Road. He's saying buy from your local Chemist owned by someone who lives just down the road.
I think and hope Fury batters Joshua. For no reason other than I think Fury is a superb boxer and Joshua just seems so boring and vanilla.
how can another thread be turned into a racist conversation, we really do need this covid to be over and get out more
Can someone name me some racist businesses? 2020, the year if you don’t vote BLM and voted to leave the EU your a racist