To quote Wankcock no evidence that the new variant of the virus "is more likely to cause serious disease" adding that the latest clinical advice is that it is "highly unlikely that this mutation would fail to respond to a vaccine" Sky News.
Hope he's right. We will have to wait and see. 'New variant' of coronavirus identified - Hancock
So let me get this right - we’ve discovered a new variant. In the very short time since we’ve discovered, we’ve ascertained that it’s faster spreading, that the likelihood of serious illness is similarly low, and that we’re confident that the vaccine will still be effective on it. I call bullshine.
Experts have been wrong about Covid all year long changing their mind on masks, if you can pass it on and a whole lot of other things, so let's wait and see and hope for the best. Hancock said he doesn't think it wouldn't respond to a vaccine but which vaccine was he on about? "A" vaccine could mean not Pfizer but maybe another. He should be asked to be more precise.
I am more and more convinced that they are that stuck in the lockdown cycle with no way of getting out coupled with the sheer number of people who meekly go along with the Government guidelines they just keep finding ways and excuses to keep doubling down and the cycle on going.
Does anyone think that because London has gone from tier 2 to tier 3 the government are that stubborn/petty it will have an effect on places that have seen cases drop in tier 3 areas however there will be no chance of them going into tier 2? eg Barnsley Leeds etc.
Numbers dropping up north yet we will spend Christmas in tier 3 no ifs or buts. London gets another dose and it's err, err shall we go to tier 3?
Exhibit A for the extent of how reading too many ******** conspiracy theories on social media has damaged people’s mental health.
We've been breaking the rules since the start of the 2nd Lockdown. As I've said I few times on here we decided to put our families health first. We're actually evolutionarily programmed to do just that.
When it gets to the point that you realisenthe government only cares about one demographic and doesn't give a **** about you or your families then you have to say f*** em and do what's right for you
I know they've announced that London etc is becoming tier 3 but have they actually commented on places like Barnsley where figures have been falling dramatically to well below the national average?
They aren't going to waste rapid testing units on an area they've already decided to drop to Tier 2. South Yorkshire has also been creeping back up for the last 3 or 4 days.
South n West Yorkshire will in remain tier 3 I reckon. Bitter Londoners won't stand for anything else.
I would be surprised if any area drops a tier before Christmas. There's the 5 day household relaxation to prepare for.
Exhibit A for a message with zero substance, nothing to back it up, intended solely to discredit a salient point because it goes against personal beliefs that themselves hold no substance or rational. It's called gaslighting and it's really dangerous. It's malicious and malignant and you should really avoid anyone who does it.