You have probably a Sparrowhawk around. It will be attacking the birds at this time of year. I race pigeons and they are after anything t this time of year Bird tables are like supermarkets to them. Birds are terrified of them They will take Bluetits etc in flight and follow them with speed into bushes
Had a What I thought to be a Wood Warbler in our back yard at the beginning of December, not usually seen around here & certainly not in December.
It's probably because the weather's been relatively mild and thus they still have access to plenty of natural food, and they don't have the same need to store up energy to keep themselves alive and warm overnight. Keep stocking the feeders up and be patient; they'll come eventually.
The lack of birds on our feeders has been very noticeable lately. Had a few the other day, but since then and for a week before, absolutely nothing. Do you think they know something we don't?
Its usually pretty quiet on the bird feeders this time of year, especially if it's cold and wet, they're a bit like us, when it's cold they mainly stay indoors, they stay in hedges and eaves to keep warm, they are more active on dry days. I've got plenty of great tits but they are on and off like they've done something wrong, also a few gold finch which stay a little longer but my favourite is a greenfinch which stays around ages . Oh and the robin, top man he is.
There's a Kingfisher in the reeds at Worsbrough res. Amazing to see live, problem is that the poor bugger is bright blue so he/she can hardly disguise itself .
I saw a European Bee Eater in Sicily last year. Typical of Italy.... always have to have better of everything!
Most definitely fewer birds this year here in our garden in SW London. Put sunflower seeds and dried mealworm out last week. All I've seen so far is a solitary robin, a blue tit and a Wood Pigeon. Also it's a constant problem preventing squirrels from stealing the birds' food.
You need a "stick of doom" and combine it with a barbaric yawp as you run headlong towards it.... telling you.... seriously ;-) Once you've sown fear, talking loudly at it in a Brian Blessed styley will forever do the trick. Note, also works on wood pigeons.
This definitely works lol I've done it before. Word of warning though.... you'll have to do it for several weeks as you don't know which squirrels are coming into your garden to "steal" the bird food Eventually they get the message though
Sparrows out in numbers this morning when putting out food and fresh water. I'd love to believe their tweeting is a way of saying "Thank you", but it's much more likely to be along the lines of "About flipping time! Where've you been?"
I get such a thrill out of seeing them visit and feed, old mate. Which probably shows just how soft I am!
I know, me too! I've seen a couple of sparrows in our garden today having a go at the nuts. I wish we could get more though....
Got starlings coming down for the mealworms. Plus Robins, Sparrows, Blue and Great Tits, Dunnock, Greenfinch, Thrush, Blackbirds, Chaffinch & Pantomime villains Magpies and "flying rat" pigeons. Sheffield btw.