Jarvis is in the pocket of the Tory party towing their line. People will now find it harder to stick to rules because they won't see the point when their hard work isn't rewarded by being put in a lower tier. Keeping our pubs and restaurants shut will lead to more spreading of Covid in homes as people sneakily meet up in private homes. All the while the places spreading it the most like public transport and non essential shops will remain open.
The mismanagement of the Pandemic is not down to Dan Jarvis. The whole country, including Scotland, Wales and NI, should have been in Tier 3 after lockdown.
"Your tier isn't your destiny" was Johnson's exact words. That was a lie as well. Hancock has spent today in the commons bleating about people taking personal responsibility for reducing infection rates, which I guess means he knows we can't rely on the Government's responsibility to govern. I still don't understand how retail gets a free pass, even in tier 3. You'd think at least some non-essential retail would be forced to be click and collect only, which might allow for some hospitality to open up and still reduce overall interactions. And shopping centres are a mystery. Can have tens, possibly hundred thousand people going to the Trafford Centre, while a few miles down the road, one of the biggest stadiums in the country can't have 2,000 people sat outside for a game.
I don't think we're helped by devolved leaders here either taking Corbyn's mantle of opposing everything regarding Lockdown. They're so pro Lockdown any semblance of things getting better gets cried down with the caution flag. If Boris said he was opening the pubs back up tomorrow Sturgeon would get in a tizzy over it.
Hancock is a snide, but I don't think Perkins has done anyone any favours there. The tories have their defensive lines setup, accusations of playing politics etc... and this just plays into that. Framing his question as an attack on Government gave Hancock the option to just dismiss the question. And that means he has avoided having to answer questions about social / economic reasons on why areas' rates are staying high or why areas are in tier 3. Labour need to find a way of opposing such a snidey Government. Am not sure joining the tories in campaign mode would be it.
He is, but he was a snidey little cūnt three weeks ago when Perkins and his mates gave him carte blanche to do whatever he wanted with their cowardly abstention.
Agree with that. It's a disgusting response, but almost encouraged by the way the question trailed away to be an attack. Burgon does the same. Grandstands and head wobbles (while you can generally see himself glancing at his own image in the top corner of his laptop screen) and preens away mid soliloquy. Labour have to be smarter. The problem is this government are allowed to lie and evade, allowed to commit fraud and allowed to deceive and there seems no redress to it. So even if a perfectly reasonable question is asked, unless they can use it to attack the opposition or to pretend they are doing an amazing job, they evade the question and the issue passes. This should go beyond Brexit now. And I'd hope whenever people next get a chance to give their voice at a ballot box, they send the message that liars cowards and cheats on this scale have no place in Downing Street.
They say violence doesn't solve anything but I would piss myself laughing if Hancock was beaten up and put in hospital