It was a genuine question as you seem so absolutely terrified and have posted that you want everything including shops shut that I assumed you'd been going nowhere. You'll remember that I liked your reply pretty much instantly.
We only had a conversation the other day about our experiences at Tesco supermarkets, so that doesn't make sense.
I'd genuinely forgotten that. Which to be fair is quite worrying because as soon as you've mentioned it I can pretty much remember every single word.
Have deaths and infection rates dropped for areas in tier 3? Have deaths and infection rates increased in areas in tier 2? Vaccinations have started and but will it take until April ish to see the affect? The strain that brexit will cause will it be reduced if non essential businesses are closed due to being in tier 3? Are people bothered now if they get Covid or not? I am because I don't want to risk my life or my friends and families. Does anyone genuinely believe that they have put implants in the vaccine? Does anyone genuinely believe we are remaining in tier 3 because some tory bxastards are getting rich from it?
The media today mentioning tier 4 as a possibility in the new year. Way to divide the country even more by having people in four different tiers and having a go at other tiers being better off than them. Kirklees has mass testing for all from today at midday 8-8 most days for a few weeks, so I will likely pop for one.
No, it doesn't make sense that they would put millions into unemployment to gain more taxes, it's simple mathematics. I think the tories have seriously mishandled this pandemic almost from start to present, but that argument just doesn't make any sense.
Youd be really surprised to know there is absolutely no evidence that supports the closing of pubs, the 10pm curfew, table service, the mask on mask off rule the pint and a steak ********. Its an entirely political decision.
The attack on the hospitality sector is shocking. Meanwhile shops are allowed to open, makes little sense. Must admit they have were me down. The other day I was out for a few items and saw queues outside of a couple of shops and just went back home and bought on Amazon. I just can't be bothered with it all anymore. I said to the Woman on the door at one of the shops , "I'm sorry I just not standing out in the cold when the shops half empty but supermarkets are rammed" I'd the pubs ever re open i will however make the effort. They have taken the brunt of all this with no justification for why at all.
Seems like the majority of today's anger is directed at the restrictions being too harsh. Can't wait for a few days time when the anger is directed at the restrictions not being harsh enough.
They are an easy target. Especially when everyone had been bombarded for months with doom and gloom, its a constant fear driven narrative. Thankfully, questions are starting to get asked not only via the media but in the house as well. one MP who's name I cant recall has asked for clarity over how deaths are recorded... When we stopped up it was a massive party outside the garrison until the early hours. a good five six hundred there at one point filling the outdoor space. NO social distancing, it was how things were. And you would be really shocked to know there wasnt a massive spike afterwards . Same August Bank holiday. It was heaving. Places were turning folk away. Again nothing. Spikes happened when the students and kids returned to School. Even the massed closing time 10pm crowds didnt really cause any massive influxes of cases. The biggest incidences outside of your own residence still remain care homes. No matter how much ineffective PPE you wear, those places remain petri dishes for viral infections. Its not a new phenomenon Its one of the reasons Leeds got it bad earlier in the year with regards to positive testing. All closing pubs has done is driven people into their homes to have the same socialisation they would have had in the 'Spoons or the Costa. Just look at Wales...
Boris Broadcasting Corporation article says that Boris is 'hoping' to avoid a third national lockdown but that cases have increased significantly in the last few weeks. Erm no Boris you London centric lying *******. Cases where you live have risen. Stop thinking the London dictates us all you prat
Because of London and the south. He's already divided the country into sections, he can't now say we're all one to justify not having to punish his friends more than the north
Haven't we all just recently come out of a "lesser" lockdown? Which was imposed when London and the south weren't then as badly affected as up north? Perhaps it only applied up north - I can't remember. Anyway I don't get this north/south thing. There are no barriers to people moving up and down the M1. This virus is all over. We need to deal with it on a national basis.
Well, it's rising in South Yorkshire.
where do all these covid waves come from, saying 3rd wave now?,isn't it just here all the time, confuses me Feelers being put in the press already to get us ready for this nightmare not ending anytime soon.
Problem is, that kind of Happy to be one of those people, and I don't think it's a strange attitude. If the current restrictions are necessary then the Christmas easing is ridiculous. Alternatively, if we can safely ease off to that extent over Christmas then we probably didn't need to have closed everything. I was on board with it when I thought the government were following the science. It's become increasingly obvious that they're making it up as they go along.