I thought these new restrictions are because the hospital's might be overwhelmed soon. Aren't they supposed to be 90% full (Covid19 wards that is) atm?
Die with it or of it ? There are around 18,000 people in the UK in hospital with the virus. There's 21,000 admissions this week which means that most of the people who were hospitalised at the start of the week have been discharged. Not belittling the seriousness of the virus but the way it is reported.
Including my friend's grandfather who died after a fall, who had Covid 3 weeks earlier and had fully recovered, but he's part of those figures. Anyway, that's not the point, you said "let everyone die". It's that sort of hyperbole that is preventing rational decisions being made.
Except they’ve blanket banned anyone from seeing their families except on Christmas Day, even though rates are falling here. Seems like southern bias to me.
Sorry...Finally I've really 'lost it' with some of the thick c*nts on here politicising the decision making re Tier 4 and the about turn on Xmas protocols. I don't give a flying fu*k if your response to this post is to slag me off. It is bleeding obvious to anyone with half a working brain cell. that..... 1 Viruses need a host to survive... They either kill the host or they die ...unless they can during their lifespan replicate by finding another viable host. (the R factor) 2 Viruses adapt or die and mutate. The science theerfore is always reactive not proactive. There is no crystal ball and circumstances can change rapidly 3 Most other countries , certainly here in Italy have had to adopt almost identical measures or even more restrictive. In Italy everyone is banned from leaving their home except for work emergency or medical reasons between 24th December and 6th January except for a 4 or so days to go shopping for food (10 days total lockdown). FFS Get it through your thick skulls, it is not a political plot to remove human rights or subjugate the population or a conspiracy or martial law. As for someone claiming this decision leave the Govt with " blood on their hands" Stop being a pillock and think... what would you do in this situation? It is nature we are up against and it is currently winning. This is not about 'opinions' but sheer stupidity and lack of reason from some poster who people so blinkered by their political views have lost the ability to think rationally. Apologies to those on this board who can actually apply logic. Rant over!!
the virus may have been a contibutory factor but not necessarily THE cause. Look at the age and the vunerablity as well.
That is a pretty bold claim and pretty much guaranteed to be incorrect. Not all of those 3,000 people died because of Covid, they just had Covid in the last 28 days. It's a travesty that anyone died but let's not pedal the number as if there isn't some discrepancies within the data. There's a 99.7% survivability rate. Allow people to make their own choices based on their own circumstances and focus all the government's energy in the areas that will actually make a difference. I've been massively against lockdown since day one but have stuck by all the guidelines and rules. For how much longer though when lockdowns have proven to do nothing other than destroy sectors and livelihoods that we're going to feel the force of in years to come?
By that logic, if you follow your blunt logical extreme that limiting lockdown means more Covid deaths and that’s what I want (which is proven precisely nowhere) then by the same logic you are also de facto advocating that we continue to let more children be beaten and raped, for example. It’s only the same logic. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-55352968
Simple maths. If you have say 16K on monday and over the next seven days 20k are admitted, if the reported deaths of 3k all occur within hospital and you have 18k in hospital on the following sunday then 15k have been discharged?
is there really a new strain?,who decides this and how does a new strain even happen, cold is cold,flu is flu, is it all over my head?
Regardless of what you think about the seriousness of this virus we should have used the initial lockdown period to put in place a robust test and trace process. But we did **** all and handed contracts to ministers' mates. Unfortunately Labour have offered nothing in the way of effective opposition - the next election should be the easiest for Labour to win in history but Starmer has been happy to roll over and have his belly tickled.
There's a tier 4 for all those southern areas. Seems like northern bias to me. Except that it doesn't seem like northern bias to me. It seems like some logic beyond my understanding being applied, on a random but unbiased basis.
Viruses mutate all the time. I'm not sure how many changes are required or how much the virus has to differ to be called a new strain but I don't doubt the information that is being circulated. The effects of the 'new strain' compared to the original (which won't be original anyway as that in itself will have some mutations) won't yet be fully understood though.
Given that rate I wonder, will we even notice if the vaccine works?[/QUOTE] old people will stop dieing?,well until they die of something else and others will not get sick for few days hopefully
Even with restrictions in place we've seen our hospitals at breaking point and often beyond as a consequence of staff infection and self-isolation. 600 staff at Stoke at the same time and many other hospitals have been and are in a similar position. Without a working vaccine (in this instance for nhs staff) this would be a constant for at least another year. I can only see this being a credible way out to enable the nhs to function effectively without our lives being seriously impinged upon.
Not all about boozers d.ickhead. It’s about seeing family. It’s about seeing mates for a chinwag after a hard weeks graft. People are struggling with no socialising.