If you say so. I just think that there is a difference between coming home and having the 2 week isolation period and mixing of 3 households over 5 days is somewhat different. I would as I've said have accepted it if they hadn't been allowed home too.
You may think that but I think it's hypocritical. Again you say you'd have accepted it if it wasn't allowed which shows you miss my point. It shouldn't be a case of doing everything you're allowed. I'm allowed to hang around Tesco during peak times but I don't as I don't believe it's a secure environment. What I don't do is get close to a big crowd for a few hours in a supermarket at its busiest time and complain that I shouldn't be allowed to.
Sorry, but I think this is nonsense. It's like the old "Well if you want everybody to pay higher taxes then I'm sure HMRC will take a cheque" line. A few people voluntarily choosing to restrict themselves further than the rules demand will make as much difference to the spread of a virus as my £100 cheque will to national infrastructure investment. It's perfectly reasonable, and not hypocritical in the slightest, to act within the law yet argue for that law to be different.
It's nothing like that. Using your tax analogy it's actually more like having an offshore bank account and complaining that a celebrity also has one. Is it reasonable to say a law is dangerous yet still do it? Imagine coming on here saying it's disgraceful that you can drive at 40 past a school, criticising anyone who says 40 is a safe speed and saying it should be much lower and then jumping in your car and doing 40 and saying yeah well im allowed to so I do
It's not hypocritical to oppose a free-for-all but allow your daughter, who is in your bubble, to move home for Christmas.
There is no free for all. Under a free for all I'd be seeing my dad this Christmas which I hope to god won't be his last. Under a free for all I'd be seeing my uncle this Christmas who I don't believe will see another one. He sadly will be spending Christmas alone Under a free for all I'd see friends. Where is this free for all?
That's exactly the same analogy couched in different terms. I still don't think it's hypocritical to argue for the celebrity to lose theirs if it also means that I'll lose mine.
To be fair as far as I'm aware most uni's ensured students received a negative test before returning home. And we actually encouraged two negative tests and an isolation period upon returning home at my work. Think that needs to be taken into consideration in this argument.
That is just one household different to what the vast majority had planned though isn't it. Moving her into yours is still two households in reality, actually if she is a student who lived in shared accommodation then God knows how many households that is mixing under rules everyone else lives by. By the way despite me calling you out over this I hope you realise it's limited to just this one thing where we disagree and I'm not calling you a horrible person or anything
I'm not getting into an argument with you. Okay to directly quote you. It's not hypocritical to call for tougher measures but allow your daughter, who is in your bubble, to move home for Christmas.
Of course that's hypocritical. You don't think it makes you an hypocrite to slag Jimmy Carr off for avoiding tax whilst enjoying the same accountant to do the same thing yourself?
Is it not all about doing what is best and safest for everyone? There is not one size fits all in this situation.
He will be seeing his family - he told me in a previous thread. Irrespective of restrictions. No need to worry.
Even by your standards on this topic that’s bizarre. Shock horror student sent home from uni, parents let her in. Rotten bast.ards
No, I understand you are not having a personal dig. This is where I hate writing as opposed to talking as it is harder to explain yourself as clearly. My daughter was in a bubble at uni, and will have 3 weeks isolation here. She may get Covid off her brother or me, or we could get it from her but we will not be mixing with anyone else as I've finished work until the 11th. If I mixed with 2 other households over 5 days then there wouldn't be that same isolation period. I just wasn't convinced the government had really thought about the implications fully, as has been proved to be the case given their backpeddaling. Definitely no one should be spending Christmas alone though, although my Dad will be unfortunately.