We haven't had one lockdown all year. A lockdown would have been shut the borders for all but food and medicine supplies.
I'm not really sure to be honest - they've changed their minds that many times that I've lost count of what I'm allowed to do.
It's a ruse, same as the new covid variant that only people in the south east have (in the whole wide world) designed so that they can prioritise London for the vaccine.
The March/April one was absolutely needed and worked pretty well from what I can remember. Its the 8 months of mixed messages, policy changes and shambolic leadership that followed that has ****** us.
My point of reference there was specifically regarding trauma deaths. Covid 19 has to be mentioned on the death certificate for it to be used as a covid statistic. There have been many covid deaths (or within 28 days of testing positive) that have not been included in the statistics as a consequence of it not being noted on the death certificate. Bloke gets shot and dies immediately. 20 minutes later in resuss a doctor certifies said person dead as a consequence of said trauma. This person tested positive 26 days ago however. Doctor rightly acknowledges fatal gun shot wound as being the cause of death, but also puts covid 19 down as a contributing factor. Seriously?
You're confusing the figures which are given out by the government and announced daily by all the media to scare people (which are ALL deaths within 28 days of a positive test regardless of cause of death) with the amount of deaths that mention covid as a contributing factor on a death certificate. Just because a doctor doesn't blame it on covid doesn't mean that Boris and the BBC aren't pretending it is to scare people into compliance. It was literally the sentence after you positioned your screenshot.
Can someone explain more about this new variant for me? It spreads more rapidly but is not thought to be more deadly, and the vaccine(s) is still thought to be effective. How do they know? Wouldn't this require extensive investigation and research and has this been done? Has any evidence about this been presented?
I didn’t state it as fact, which is why i said ‘chances are’. I don’t know what your definition of net deaths is that you are using, but my opinion is that people that test positive, then recover, only to die of an unrelated cause within 28 days will be an outlier rather than a significant proportion of the reported number.
I would say that they've either known about it for a while and have been investigating it (in which case they have behaved reprehensibly by having London in tier 2) or they have only discovered it hours before the tier review in which case they are guessing about it. Or making it up
I have mixed memories of it because my wife 2nded up suicidal and we were sat in A and E where we got no help at all and after a 10 kin chat with doctor we were sent back home with the advice "call these numbers if things get bad" So it didn't work well for us.
I don't think anyone could explain and no evidence has been presented. Unless the chief medical officer has moved from exaggerating worse case scenarios to outright lying, which I don't believe has happened, then I think we can be confident that a virus with a number of genetic mutations has been identified. The other hard fact they gave was the number of instances of this virus in cases of Covid-19 in different areas of the country. A much higher proportion is in London and the South East. They believe it spreads much faster. There appears to be a lot of anecdotal evidence that backs this up and I can understand why they've reached that conclusion, but that conclusion isn't scientific. As far as how dangerous the virus is and if the vaccines will prevent you getting the disease all they've said is they've seen no evidence to suggest it's more dangerous or the vaccine won't work. Well, they won't have as there's been no research on it. Even if research has begun and they haven't even claimed that, it certainly won't have concluded. Seen no evidence is a fancy way of saying don't know and a reassurance from someone not in a position to do so.
Yes, but these scientist type people aren't daft, they will have anticipated that the virus mutates and devised a vaccination methodology that takes this into account as far as is possible.
New restrictions likely to stay for months https://www.theguardian.com/world/2...kely-to-stay-for-months-until-vaccine-rollout Pus Hancock telling you what they "know" about the spread of the new variant. This is what those actually studying it said about that, available in the pdf above “This variant is strongly associated with where we are seeing increasing rates of covid-19. It’s a correlation, but we can’t say it is causation. But there is striking growth in this variant, which is why we are worried, and it needs urgent follow-up and investigation.”
Please link to the peer reviewed data that proves one life was saved due to the November lockdown. Please also link us to the ris assessment that takes us through how those were greater in number than the lives lost both now and in the future due to that lockdown. Thank you.