It doesn't work like that. I make a comment and you disprove it if you can be arsed. If everyone had to attach evidence every time they say something, no-one would bother.
Where do you want to start? https://scienceblog.cancerresearchu...e-waiting-for-screening-tests-and-treatments/
When we die we get magically transported to the centre of the planet Neptune and are presented with 101 gay virgins to have a go on for 5.27 years before being transformed into a thermos flask.
But surely the same or worse would have happened if the virus had been allowed to run riot? There are only so many nurses, doctors and hospital beds?
Of course they have, if there had been no lockdowns/restrictions, it would have been the other way round. I think people who bang on about this should publish a list of their friends and relations that they'd be prepared to let die to safeguard the economy.
my mum who is 76 said she would sooner take her chance than live like this,maybe stupid bravado but what she said
Why would it have surely happened, what are you basing that on? There's a country across the North Sea that didn't lock down, look at what happened to their society.
I have 3 different firms ringing me 24/7 wanting money I have not got, do not want anyone to die, but the stress of it is making me ill
Sweden didn't lock down and they didn't suffer an upturn in child and partner abuse and didn't restrict treatment to other diseases.
Sorry to hear that mate, there are people you can go to in your circumstances, have you tried StepChange or similar.