Fantastic view of them both this evening, as the sky is so clear. Through binoculars I can just make out Saturn's rings. Almost impossible to get a proper photo, but did manage to get the one below. Getting better as it gets darker. Look low down to the south-west...
Tomorrow they will line up almost exactly, with Saturn behind Jupiter. They're supposed to be at their brightest, but it's not the best forecast, so far. If anyone has any decent binoculars I recommend trying to focus them on Saturn - to see the rings for the first time in my life was magnificent. Not long now though before they disappear below the horizon, then we're stuck with Mars. And Venus tomorrow morning if you get up early...
To be fair I can probably only see them because I know they're there anyway. There are also a couple of Jupiter's moons in view.
What magnification are your binoculars? I was hoping to get myself a telescope this year but can't seem to get hold of the one I wanted anywhere. Might get some binoculars if I can see Saturn's rings that's enough for me.
I managed a photo with my new iphone 12 mini and was quite impressed with how good it was thats taken at Frensham common by the way
I could just aobut make out saturns rings with a pair of basic 8x bins but needed to lean them on a post to keep them still enough and even then it was more that Saturn looked a bit squashed rather than seeng clear rings. you probably need a proper telescope and tripod to really see them clearly