My aunty just shared this on Facebook (not her words but she still shared it). A bit wrong. He ‘may have got things a bit wrong’!!! Also he’s only one person bless him... it’s not like he’s the f.cking PM or anything. Ffs.
People should vote for policies NOT personalities, we are not America FFS. Brexit was the killer last election, Labour got it wrong and suffered for it, that aside, there was no comparison between the actual manifesto's on offer but that was never going to get a fair hearing. Bankrupt the country they said, but look, the money was always there.
ive seen it on mine, the majority of the military are right wing Tory brexit supporters. There’s no telling them how stupid that meme is. It’s not even worth an argument.
Can someone please explain to me why Starmer is so bad? I just don't see it. The papers have tried to stitch him up with this "Tory-lite" angle, and a bunch of hardline Corbyn followers seem to have directed a lot of anger at him. But he's a competent, left wing guy who should have a chance at taking on the tories. I'm delighted that the left have got a guy who's actually electable. Before anyone hits me with Corbyn love: he was never going to be Prime Minister I'm afraid. I liked the guy's principles and I voted for him, but he was such an easy target for the Murdoch papers to destroy because he didn't seem electable in the first place. Let's not be revisionist - lots of people were sceptical of him when we gained the leadership. Then he gives Abbott an important role (who also had little faith from the public), fumbles the Brexit campaig/ response and fails to snuff out the antisemitism issue before it became a big deal. We can't win with a guy like Corbyn in charge. (I still can't fathom voting for Boris over Corbyn, but hey ho.)
Well, I retired to my luxury villa in the south of France, with a 25 year old dolly bird & an iFollow subscription. It wouldn’t be so bad apart from the bloody foreigners..
Of course we live in a democracy - people are free to vote for whoever they please. But people are then free to question this when they fcking dissapear and leave us in the mess were in. At least them Forriners will be sent back.
Have they disappeared though? Even on here you're only talking half a dozen regular and open Brexit supporters. I think 80% of those have been banned in the last six months. At least in this thread we're seeing reasons from sensible, mature posters on why they voted Leave. No mention of 'forriners'.
I only started the thread to ask where the Leave/Tory posters had gone. Because there were a fair number on here this time last year talking about how 2020 would be so great for their Great Britain. There seems to be just one of these posters left on here (Dawson) and he now admits he made a mistake. I wanted their thoughts on the current state of affairs, considering they voted for it. But maybe they’ve all been banned in the last year, for being racist little Englanders.
It's the "Boris" effect. By getting everyone to call him "Boris"(notice we don't call any other Prime Minister or world leader by their fist name?) he's used the press to build himself a public character that is a harmless, bumbling, lovable oddball who whilst a bit dim has his heart in the right place so people are willing to gove him a chance and the benefit of the doubt. Unfortunately in reality he is the total opposite. He's a nasty, self-centred and entitled ******* who knows exactly what he's been doing. n.b. Admin, any chance of using the swear filter to change all mentiones of "Boris" to "Johnson" the same way you change the lovely person word to "Lovelly Person"? Let's lead from the front!!!!
With respect. It seems to me that your position is fundamentally like that of all other Leavers. Its a protest vote against something you find issue with. My problem with that is that it seems like you're happy to burn the house down without offering up any kind of alternative. The EU is imperfect, but the alternative is so much worse.
Sorry I didn't make myself clear. I meant in general on social media, not just on here. The Boris Love In has vanished on Facebook and Twitter - it's as if it could never have been predicted. I quoted the wrong post probably, but it was the one that said people can vote for whom they like - I wanted to reply that yes they can, but they must also he aware of their actions when we're in the plop like we are now. I guess I don't really have a point, I just wanted to vent. Because these ******** in charge are ruining our lives.
Yeah fair enough YT. It was a good post and you're right. The topic seemed to evolve further down into some Starmer bashing, and it tempted me into joining in
Starmer is currently getting smashed to bits on twitter as he and the awful Dodds do a live press conference about Scotland. While the country burns.
No I voted brexit and I voted tory because they where the only party that would deliver brexit. Boris has still got time to deliver a proper brexit and not a Brexit in name only,But if he doesn't deliver it won't take the Labour or Liberal voters to bring down this government it will be the voters that lent the Conservative party their vote in the last election.