The idea that if Labour had wholeheartedly supported the shambles that is Brexit would have led to power is fantasy, because many traditional Labour voters, me being one, would not have voted for them.
He’s far from competent. He’s been nothing short of a disaster up to now. He has to unite the party. He isn’t doing so. We need the party to be united to have any chance of defeating the Tories. Tens of thousands of members are leaving. There’s more & more no confidence motions in the leadership been passed every week. These are the people that do the campaigning that he’s alienating & forcing out.
This is interesting. I think Corbyn and the manifesto the party put forward under him represent pretty much textbook democratic socialism.
Social Media replies don't give an accurate assessment of what the nation is feeling or thinking though. We fall down this rabbit hole every time and then can't understand how an election or major vote goes a certain way. Social Media interaction is a tiny percentage of the electorate and those who have strong opinions are the ones who take the time to make comments, and then repeat them constantly to give the feeling that it's the consensus. In terms of the polls. Hasn't Starmer taken a 49 vs. 29 Tory 'lead' and turned it in to a 40 vs. 37 Labour 'lead'?
Imagine being this desperate to defend the incompetence, negligence and cronyism of the last 12 months. Just to pick one aspect, how do you feel about the Government's handling of track and trace? I'm intrigued as to how nobody could have done it better, as from where I'm sitting nobody could have done it worse. We may have been dealt a **** hand, but we've proceeded to voluntarily **** in the other hand and clap.
Genuine question. What's the benefit of members when the most important part of the electorate are those who sit in the middle ground with no appetite to join any party? 200,000 members could leave Labour but it wouldn't make a blind bit of difference to the next election if Starmer is more appealing to the middle ground voters. If he gets them onside this time around it's a landslide victory for Labour. Labour and Corbyn were the Ronnie Rosenthal of politics in the last election.
How can he possibly hope to unite the party? Our only hope is that the far-left decide to form their own party and let Labour return to its traditional role as the only realistic alternative to the Tories. And restore hope to millions of people.
all these keyboard experts all over the land,this country should be able to muster up some bright minds to lead us,or maybe not we will just moan and pontificate and have another cup of tea and a bourbin biscuit,"is it time for pointless yet"
No. The Tories lead 39 to 38 in current polls. Despite this clusterf*** of a year. But as you point out, do these online polls mean much? Because Corbyn had a huge lead many times.
YouGov voting intention is what I quoted. My numbers were right up until last week but this week it's 38 vs. 38. * Edit - it isn't done weekly. I just meant the last read on that poll which looks like two weeks ago
I used Politico. As of the 17th Dec the Tories lead by a point. I find that frankly laughable considering the last 12 months we’ve been through.
thats what your up against people are sadly just like sheep, easily led, humans flock like sheep and birds, subconsciously following a minority of individuals. It takes a minority of just five per cent to influence a crowd's direction -- and that the other 95 per cent follow without realising it.
That would be a disaster. There’s not enough potential voters for Labour to get in power if that happened. Starmer had support at the start. The left voted for him over Long-Bailey. Maybe naively but they trusted him. He didn’t have to do a lot. Most of the traditional Labour voters would’ve come back anyway. The majority only voted Tory for Brexit & then there was some who took a dislike to Corbyn who would’ve likely come back as well. All this with Corbyn he’s initiated. He’s going to end up losing a legal case. He could’ve been in a brilliant position now with a united party watching the Tories mess Covid & Brexit up but instead he’s the put the party in crisis.
I wouldn’t argue with this. The problem was that those who needed to appreciate this couldn’t see past Corbyn, McCluskey et al. And never will. Of course, Brexit was the main factor, but for every voter that resented Labour’s stance in terms of a second referendum, there were plenty of us that resented Corbyn’s lukewarm support of Remain, and his declaration that Article 50 should be immediately invoked following a referendum that was supposedly ‘advisory’. I guess we simply need to resign ourselves to permanent Tory misrule.
Taking the YouGov data that's a 20 point lead the Tories have lost. You'll have seasoned Tories who won't vote any other way, voters who believe no other party would have handled it better, those who blame the public, and Labour voters who won't vote Starmer. Losing that 20 point lead isn't that laughable IMO, but still being ahead or level is very surprising.
A ******** who, if you took him the mount would last about 20 minutes before his eyes had been pillocked out!