we lost my Mother in law this morning. She had fallen a week or so and had fractured her hip. They had that in control but then she had a stroke. They were progressing that too.....then a few days ago she contracted covid. She succumbed this morning. My wife and all my in laws are in pieces. She was perhaps one of the kindest and loving women I have met, never thought of herself her family was everything to her. I guess she had a decent at 86, but the manor of her passin was dreadful. I saw her not as a Mother in law, more as a very dear friend RIP Muriel, you are already sadly missed.
So sorry to hear of your heartbreaking loss, Barry. Sincere condolences From Kevin, Crystal, Laura, Christopher, Becky and the Grandchildren.
Thanks. Suspected kidney cancer, two further scans to see if its spread are 'inconclusive' and a guy removed from his room with Covid. Hospitals not a good place to be.
Sorry to hear of your Mum in laws passing DT. Collective thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this very sad time.
Thoughts are very much with you. Please try to stay positive. Here's hoping your Dad can make a full recovery.