What made you vote Remain? Surely whatever that was was more important than saying "ya boo sucks" to the likes of me?
Seen a few comments on here abnout Starmer's treatment of Corbyn.. Corbyn messed up big time with his statement on the day of the antisemitism report. Starmer said that the party would take it as seriously as possible, then Corbs goes ahead and comments that it has all been overplayed. It undermined the effort to get over the whole antisemitism mess and he had to be suspended over it. Hopefully he'll be allowed back in time and by that point will have learned from the experience. A lot of the people I see who are mad with Starmer on Twitter etc (awful place to get a read on public opinion, I know) seem to be huge fans of Corbyn who hate that he got kicked out. They need to get over it. I was a supporter of Corbyn a few years back but his mistakes have mounted up - he just wasn't cut out for being party leader. Starmer needs time. I think he'd be a great PM to have right now - a guy who's all about clear, well reasoned decision making.
I don't get all this 'Corbyn was unelectable' glib speak. He was perfectly electable. He had tremendous policies which the country was and still is crying out for but his message was completely drowned out by hatred from the media, bad-mouthing from some within his own party and sloganised ******** about 'getting brexit done'. There was little media attention on domestic policy last election, it was all hatred and vitriolic spin. The vision he had for Britain is fundamentally one which I think is for the good of the country which will heal division, encourage a sense of community and 'level up' in a real, genuine sense. The country more than ever needs proper socialist policies. If Starmer does a Tory-lite on policy before the next election then I will have no party to vote for. I will be disenfranchised because a right wing Labour Government will be only so marginally better than the real Tories that it wont really make any difference. I'll reserve judgement on Starmer till policies are out in the open. At the moment I'm not impressed by him.
I'm trying not to read these threads, they are depressing the hell out of me but your post got me. I did feel like you. I didn't like Blair, but (and I've never said this before, but Tory-Lite is better than full on Tory. Whilst I personally would prefer Corbyn or someone like him as PM, look at what Blair (AKA Tory Lite) did, and it's still worth the vote. (Not fact checked) As a friend of mine recently said, WHAT has the current government achieved? EDIT: Tidy up of the post.
Respect for your opinion KCP, but I have to disagree. Corbyn was plain stupid (in leadership terms) and goes down as the worst Labour leader in my experience. I wouldn't actually argue too much with his policies if the world was as we would wish it to be. But the world is as it is. He failed on the brexit issue by not agreeing a compromise with May that would have protected workers' rights when she was on the back foot. That would have left her in charge, and an easier target for him in any subsequent election. The response to the Skrypal poisoning was just plain dumb. The Russians would never leave the traces of their activity that would enable conclusive proof. But the whole of the Western world was united in their belief of Russian responsibility. Even in this country, circumstantial evidence can form such an overwhelming case that it can amount to proof beyond reasonable doubt in a criminal case. Even if he couldn't buy that he could have simply kept quiet on the issue and preserved some personal standing. And when May was voted in contempt of Parliament he failed to take advantage and force her to apologize to Parliament or to pitch herself against the Commons. Schoolboy failures as leader that undermined Labour and wrecked his own chances. Utterly inept. And that's before you get to the malarkey of (unsuccessfully) attempting to unseat experienced and able moderate colleagues. He set the Labour Party back 20 years, and his continued presence, like Hamlet's ghost, threatens any progress towards defeating Johnson and his ilk - even if the current leadership is too pink for hardliners. Only my opinion like, which is worth no more or less than yours.
Starmer at it again. For some bizarre reason in the middle of major Covid & Brexit issues he decided today was a great opportunity to talk about Scotland & it appears to have gone down like a lead balloon. Meanwhile a further 11 Jewish Labour Party members have been suspended for anti-semitism. If it wasn’t so serious it would be laughable.
Hamlet's ghost was the catalyst for the truth emerging about the villain in charge of the country. And therefore constitutes far greater use and benefit than Magic Grandpa. He gets a bad press, does old Hamlet senior.
He admitted that he didn't agree with it but voted remain so that he would be able to take advantage of free movement of people to move abroad with his partner/friend. And no I'm not making that up. He really is that self centered
Your blind support of Boris Johnson is commendable, I'll at least give you that. He's doing a great job isn't he?
Never seen a bloke back track and change his mind as much in my life. And now 90% of Europe don't want us to cross into their countries. The blokes a joke and i hope someone buys him a comb for Xmas.