And yet folk take their ridiculous COVID numbers as if they are sacrosanct. Having this lot making laws is like putting Jimmy Saville up next door to your kids bedroom.
Ah ‘MSM’ - the calling card of the brain donor. It’s useful really, it stands out in a sentence and makes it really easy to see who not to listen to.
The Covid figures are given via individual NHS Trusts. These are freely available via NHS England. The truck figures come from who knows where in the Government. Im not sure why you think this is a relevant comparison?
Best not to read too much of the MSM and when you do so take it with a pinch of salt and read widely. So much of it is clickbait.
This chap really doesn't understand the system. You do realise that goods are leaving the country due to fear of them not selling in time for Brexit. If they don't firms will be on the hook under WTO rules. I've personally seen goods being moved back to the EU, white goods and other expensive products. So because this government weren't able to get a simple agreement in place (all goods in bond on 1st Jan exempt) its causing further additional chaos. Anyway been down Dover for last 2 days, now on Crimbo leave. No sign of Unicorns or sunlit uplands just plenty of p*ssed off drivers unable to get home for Christmas. I'm not sure what are more mythical Unicorns or the additional staff at the borders. All I'll say is they've tried to lumber Border Force with untrained agency staff all on £19 a hour. The dress em in uniforms for the papers approach. Most won't have required security clearances and won't have any skills to do the job. Never mind the legal or H&S implications, they'll look pretty for the Daily Mail.
So thats Neil Ferguson who would struggle to get the weather right if he was stood out side, the same Neil Ferguson who has been discredited through out for his highly inaccurate and poor modelling, the same Neil Ferguson who was sacked from both Sage and nerve tag due to his shagging about during lockdown as per the Government spokesperson giving advice and more modelling for nervetag. . .
Nervetag. Is it just me or are we now entering some sci-fi dystopian story where government agencies with weird names are in control? Be the 'Ministry of Truth' next.
Brexit or no Brexit the same situation would have still arose . It seems to me this whole story has been written in a way by the news media to stir up remainers to get them frothing at the mouth . As posted above , clickbait . It's how they make their money .
'Take back control.' 'Get Brexit Done.' 'Oven Ready Deal.' Clickbait. It's how snake oil salesmen, liars and manipulators make their money.
This is a taster of what is to come with a no deal. 30% of traffic leaving is a result of Brexit not Covid. That's a fact, and MSM aren't covering it. Customs is a highly technical area but the MSM have failed for 4 years to explain in basic terms. All I'll say is we're not prepared and it's going to be carnage, that's from someone who's worked in immigration, law enforcement and customs for 20 years.
Oh and by the way I don't use words likely, carnage isn't an overreaction. It's not project fears this is project reality. Even with a deal at this late stage it'll be nuts for a few months unless the EU are willing to iron out the wrinkles now. That's the truth and unfortunately many people will be affected by it. Those living in port towns will have a massive wake up call. It's those dependent on the current standards for work, employment and social mobility I feel for. If you work in Dover at very least your daily commute will be a nightmare.
Yup, that’s why people are now quoting multiple quotes on things, to cover all eventualities. Also seen some suppliers holding back certain products as they know will be worth more in January.
But the ultra reliable honest and trustworth bojo the clown says we will prosper mightily with a no deal brexit. so no need to worry everything will be alright
To part quote Top Gun; rubber dog sh*t out of Hong Kong will cost more, they'll be moving the aforementioned product back to central Europe now to ensure they don't get further taxed on the aforementioned dog sh*t if it doesn't sell during the next 7 days. Basically on Boxing day if the borders are chocker full there will be a massive sale on rubber dog sh*t, but I'm guessing not many takers.
Read what the people who identified the mutations and have had studied the virus have said. They basically said this: "We don't know. We just don't know. There is a lot of anecdotal evidence that suggests the new 'variant' may be more transmissible, and as such this requires urgent study, but at present, with the data we've got, we just don't know." Nervtag said: "70% more transmissible" It's just made up. It's politics dressed as Science. And that applies to SAGE too. There simply isn't any science in it. They use scientists to deliver the message to make it look like science, but it isn't, it's propaganda.