1 dose gives you 91 percent immunity, 2 gives you 95 percent, lets get everyone 1 dose ASAP https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-55410349
Refreshing to have someone talking common sense for once but the fact that it is Blair will kill the idea for sure.
But they would have to get regulatory approval for the vaccines based on one dose, which may need more data to be submitted, which may need more trials to be conducted. Danger is it could just distract from giving out the vaccines that are approved. If the Oxford / AZ vaccine is approved, they should be able to produce a plan that outlines how many people per month they expect to vaccinate, and what that means in terms of restrictions over time. Far too much detail for the half wits in Government to get their heads around though.
The same Tony Blair that wants us to stay in the EU, The EU haven't got a vaccine to roll out all over Europe yet.
Why is it that at any mention of Blair, some people get the hump ? What the hell has this got to do with Blair voting remain or the EU. It's about giving more people 91% protection than less people getting 95% protection. Do the maths.
Not everybody needs the vaccine, to the majority in under 50s or 60s the symptoms will be mild. The ones who already have had it are said to be at very small risk of catching it again. Concentrate on the most vulnerable.
because simpletons have been told and therefore believe the EU to be the enemy and any mention of a remainer must be jumped upon immediately as unpatriotic. Fish.
32 million people in the U.K. are classed as vulnerable or care for vulnerable people. This covers all ages. I hate Blair as much as the next man but here he is right.
What on earth has EU membership got to do with the vaccine? Besides which WE ARE NO LONGER MEMBERS OF THE EU. So how can Blair want us to stay in a club we already left? I think he's cleverer than that.
Perhaps I'm a bit biased by the title as I don't believe anything he says.But I recall reading that the second dose is needed within a certain time to maintain efficacy. That would suggest you are immune but if you don't have the second dose that immunity may wear off. I'm not an expert so don't know. But then again, neither is Blair.