It’s funny how many Brexiters post variations of this when their sole reason for voting leave was to stop people moving here to get away from the country they weren’t happy in.
For some F is for Fish, by the time the legal experts have had a look at the deal, F will be for FUDGE. We're weaker for this deal and it's worse than the May deal. I can promise folk this, unicorns won't be under any Christmas trees and they won't be appearing over the mythical sunlit uplands. Fish, foreigners and offshore tax that's all it's been about. Enjoy the next 12 months, it's not going to be pretty for the low and middle classes.
If you had no skills you can just one day decide I'm not happy so I'm moving to America or Australia on a permanent basis.
I’m presuming you meant to type ‘can’t’. Is dreamboy’s post only for those with skills then? What if you’re unhappy and don’t have any? He hasn’t left instructions for those.
Even if you do have marketable skills is by no means as easy as “just move country”. It used to be, we could move into the EU, but that option has been removed now.
That is the only good thing to come out of this whole sorry mess. Farridge can disappear back into the rathole from which he came, never to be seen or heard again (here's hoping).
I drink in Wetherspoons (the Market St one) and the comment about the immigrant complaints is absolutely spot on.
Yes supposed to say can't new phone and fat fingers don't mix. Dreamboats post said "The world is full of many countries. If you aren't happy with the one you live in then pick another to live in that will make you happier. Do what makes you happy rather than being miserable putting up with something you hate." Not sure how many places he has moved to or tried i guess none, because without a trade or degrees you aren't moving to many countries. I know people who have been rejected for a 2 week holiday to America.
I drink in them and stay overnight country wide with work and can say immigrant complaints are definitely not confined the tarn ones
Seems that the deal announced today has re-inforced Nicola Sturgeons view that Scotland needs to pursue the ideal of charting a future as a separate EU nation. Fair play to the lass. Makes you wonder if she will ever get her wish of a second vote.?
Not any time soon, not from Westminster anyway. I expect her to attempt a unilateral Declaration of Independence after holding a non-binding vote though within the next year or so. Then let the courts decide if they are able to do that. I suspect the courts at that point would rule against them, however that will give them a bargaining chip over Boris (or whoever is in charge at that point) to try and force another proper vote.
Why don’t we have a ‘democratic vote’ on everything then? Why not let ‘the people’ decide on whether or not to bring back the death penalty / immigration/ public hangings / the birch?