It's because they can't get their heads around complicated, abstract things like trade deals. But they can understand physical things. Like fish. Fish swim in water that surround us. The fish swimming nearest to our coastline belong to us so we can't let foreigners get their dirty hands on them. Simples.
Haha, yeah we’re all racists and we know F.uck all about trade deals, but we know about fish. You keep believing that old laaad!!!!
You know if Scotland got its independence, and as an independent country, they elected to join the EU, don't they have to set up a border with England, check passports etc. Don't the Scots lose the right to work in England and vice versa. Is that something that the Scots really want? I am asking the question because I really do not know the answer, but they have to realise that they cannot play this game for ever. I really hope that they decide to stay, we have defense issues for a start, but there has to be a limit of how long you can continue to play this game.
what about the people who don’t complain about anti- Semitism and xenophobia and drink in Wetherspoons?
Yes they would need a customs boarder but not necessarily passport controls and losing rights to live and work in England. See how we interact with Eire. Their problem would be if they leave though it would take a while to get accepted into Europe. I could see Spain vetoing it. Scotland leaving the Uk and not immediately joining the EU would be quite a large problem for them
Absolutely. But the thick fckers don't realise this and think she's anti-Boris. It's embarrassing. Mind, they probably can't spell her name. At least passports will be blue. That's easy to spell.
As I said, admission is the first step. It's great stuff that you've recognised this. FISH. SOVEREIGNTY. TAKE BACK CONTROL SEND THEM FORRINERS BACK FISH FISH Edit: great spelling mistake too. Presume this was part of the joke too? And not due to a lack of intelligence? 350 MILLION A WEEK TO THE NHS SEND THEM BACK
And kier starker has just for a change said he will not challenge this awful 'deal' Has there ever been a weaker Labour leader?
You've probably answered this before on here any times but what were/are your main reasons for wanting to leave?
I'm not bitter at all, it's hilarious. It makes my day when you've no idea what you're doing. You've no idea. It's classic. Well done on no spelling mistakes on this post by the way - baby steps. Have you worked out what you voted for yet it the way? Remember the fish, don't forget that. It's the most important thing. 350m to the NHS by next Saturday. Remember that's what you voted for. Sorry, you voted to send them forriners back didn't you. It's brilliant this. You've absolutely no idea. Classic. My wife is on nights tonight, so I'm here all night for your clueless retort. Hopefully you spell check it. SEND THEM BAC.