The wife is working at Northern General and some wnker is on the Brexit Train. I've got lots of time on my hands. With a beer in one arm and some music in the other im having the time of my life. Merry Christmas to you and yours by the way, we've had our disagreements but I always like reading your posts.
You have a wife? Well done. Why you feel the need to advertise such a thing I don’t know. Like I say, happy Xmas to you n your wife. X
Same to you Fonzie, there's been disagreements but it's never meant I respect you any less or enjoy your posts any less. That's actually why I said be the bigger man because you are the kind of person who can be, while some can't. I agree with you on the Brexit thing by the way
Clueless. Night night Ponty. Hopefully your selfish decisions don't fck the country too much. Can't see it though old chum - can't wait to nip to Greece next summer and my phone bill be £200 for the 2 weeks. Clueless.
Why night night? Thought you had all night with your beer n music, such a shame. Like I say, night chum, merry Xmas.
I don’t understand why fish has been such a big thing either. I’m sure there’s a very simple explanation, but as I understand the haggling boiled down to about £60m from a trade deal worth £600bn. Obviously summat I’m not aware of..
Me neither but it reminds me of a saying an ex boss of mine had about bicycle sheds apparently he had been in a meeting discussing several complex issues but got bogged down on the bike sheds. Some things fundamental to the business got waived through because most people didn’t understand then but everyone understood the concept of bike storage Whenever a meeting got stuck on insignificant matters he would bring up the bike sheds and most of us would agree to move on. Hard not to draw the parallel with a trade deal involving fish which everyone can understand and completely ignore something abstract like financial services even though one is worth tens on billions to the economy and the other is basically small change
Yes, no financial passport which endangers around 10% of all UK tax revenue, but in 3 years we can fish for fish that British people don't eat - deal of the century.
Its a massive thing if you are the EU. British territorial waters are prime fishing grounds massively more productive than those closer to France Spain etc . Currently the UK has a ring of 10m from the shoreline that only UK fleets can fish. From this line to the edge of next territorial waters falls fish fall under the CFP as a common resource under the Exclusive Economic Zone So any EU member state can apply for access to fish these waters following quotas subsidies set by the EU commission. At one point, a land locked country had vessels fishing UK territory -Czech Republic I think. Additionally there are issues over the quota's fairness in terms of volumes. For example at one point for every 100 Cod caught in UK waters 84 were by French boats. Nine by English Only about 25% of the fish caught in British waters are by British fleets. Rest is EU based. Around 50% of the Danish fishing industry is based around catching in UK waters. About 18K jobs rely on access to UK waters just as an example. One of the reasons cited by both Norway and Iceland for not going for full EU membership is they didnt want to cede fishing grounds. And thats not even looking at the ecological damage caused by the super trawlers.
It seems that way on the face of it but there is more going on than sometimes meets the eye and in some cases issues that would look insurmountable in 2016 have been less important. As far as fishing goes my view has always been that there must be something out of it for UK fishermen but we needed to be sympathetic to European fishermen, particularly the small boat guys...they didn't take our fishing....Heath gave it to them, and for 45 years they made a day to day living out of it. I would have been prepared to give a much longer transition period to the small boats, less to the large boats....if that were possible. Macron in particular had the problem in his lap, French small boat fisherman would have set the coast ablaze had no deal been in place, but from a British point of view a no deal would have been unenforceable, I'm not sure which of our best brains in Govt hinted at enforcement by the Royal Navy but it was not only stupid but childish. As to the services the city provides, I have to admit to being surprised but according to Der Spiegel the move to the continent has not taken place as predicted, in 2016 they were predicting 10,000 plus jobs to move away from the City to Frankfurt...and started the building of infrastructure to cope, this has not happened, only around 25% of that, and those mainly German ex-pats returning home, The suggestion is that no one in Europe has the financial muscle or the will to handle the risk that London can.
So the reason is just “because the EU want it, so **** them”? It’s such a small part of our economy, it’s not even slightly worth destroying the country for. Most of the fish around Britain are ones British people don’t eat, so we export them anyway. Something which will be much harder and more expensive to do now. Maybe if the UK elected MEPs that actually did their jobs we’d have improved our fishing quotas without the need for dropping a metaphorical nuke on the country. But alas we elected the fascists and they spent 20 years working against the interests of the people they were elected to represent. What ******* heroes.
Can you really see many British people wanting to take up one of the most unpleasant and dangerous jobs there is?
I do, too. But the majority of fish caught in UK waters are ones that Brits do not eat. We export the vast majority of fish species caught in our waters and import the fish we enjoy. We eat Cod, Haddock, Salmon, Tuna and Prawns. Now the exact information is a bit tricky to find, but as far as I know, only Cod is caught sustainably on our shores of those. I'd love it if someone could correct that if they have more information though.
The alternative is what? He's pretty much said, verbatim, that it's a s.hit deal (which it is), but that it's better than no-deal. Not sure where else he could go.