"Fair play to the lass"!! FFS The wee conniving little Krankie has used every opportunity of this pandemic to score points for her wish. She's a politician so I am not surprised, but her methods are seemingly altruistic but ultimately devious and underhand. She announced that the Scottish government would give Scottish NHS staff a £500 bonus and then dared Westminster to tax that at their peril! Where is the money coming from? It wasn't Westminster's idea. No one has said anything about it, but she plants the seeds of distrust. A lot of Scottish Nationalism is racist - based on nothing less than pure hatred for the English. Whoever that might mean. There is no such thing as a Scottish race - genetically they are not much different to the rest of the inhabitants of the UK. Scotland already has a high level of autonomy and devolution. Economically they would struggle without EU subsidies. At the moment the rest of the UK is propping them up. They have a population no bigger than Yorkshire, and only a slightly bigger economy. Independence for Yorkshire makes just as much sense as independence for Scotland. It would be a backward step that would harm everyone in the United Kingdom. She might force an illegal referendum - but I expect what will be offered will be more local powers. Whose currency will Scotland use? We are already subsidising the Scots. If they have any sense they will see this as a no starter.
If they joined the EU they would surely use the Euro. If they are no longer in the United Kingdom they wouldn't be allowed to use the UK currency.
Far from it... Der Spiegel and Suddeutsche Zeitung are beyond reproach and non partisan, they just report the news like Reuters.
Well they seem partisan and inaccurate from this article. They are miles out from true figures. Partisan or sloppy reporting from not researching properly.
By fair play to the lass I mean that after being told repeatedly by No 10 there is no chance of a second referendum, she is nothing if not persistent. The polls north of the border are currently showing that the majority would go for independence, so she's got to keep pushing surely. Personally, I don't think she stands much of a chance unless her advisors can find some kind of legal loophole. Time will of course tell.
So Scotland are propped up by subsidy, but them leaving would negatively impact rest of the UK? Not sure how that works.
A 2nd vote just makes a mockery of the 1st one you could do that every election etc the campaign for both leave and remain went on for long enough. Its a very poor analogy comparing moving house to great Britain voting on staying or leaving the E.U
If you ever read the Referendum Act, the vote was supposed to be on a specific deal. Now we have a deal in front of us, the Act should come into play and allow us a vote. But this has been undemocratic from the start.
It's spot on, right down to Estate Agents and the Leave Campaign both lying through their teeth to get what they want.
I've moved house before been to look around houses looked at the area and house and made a joint decision with my partner if its worth the asking price and if we want the house. Its very different to near on 70 million people voting to leave or stay in the e.u
Yeah. Yet you looked at leaving the EU and were told the NHS would get 350m a week. Lies. Have a nice evening. 3 points. You Reds.
The specific deal was the deal Cameron brought back, with that emergency brake or whatever. We had the choice to leave or implement the deal he negotiated. There is no way the EU would ever have given up as much as they have while we were a member, we had to force their hand by leaving and getting a week away from catastrophe on all sides. If the EU had been more flexible then the UK would still be a member, they just massively underestimated the strength of feeling this side of the channel. I think a lot of countries will look at this deal and wonder if they too should push for a more economic arrangement than a political one.
Okay, you clearly don't understand what is a very simple & straightforward analogy, so little point continuing this. Cheers.
Who says the EU will let them join? Spain won't be happy - because it would be a precedent for Catalonia to do the same - so they would veto it.