That's only one aspect of the situation. The damage would be done to the economy of the UK - which has just moved back into being the 5th largest in the world. It is a cliché I know, but we really are stronger together. They have their own education and legal system, and wide local powers. In any case the assumption is that the EU would allow them to join. Spain would veto it. It would pave the way for Catalonia to do the same - and they probably have a stronger case than Scotland. Scotland on its own is a non-starter. They have widely devolved powers to govern their own affairs in any case. Independence is fuelled by racism nothing less.
You won? Are you a member of the government? If not then you’ve been deceived into thinking 'you won.' Your vote helped them win. And they don’t care about you. Or what you voted for.
What? Have a vote 4 or 5 years down the line to see if peoples' views have changed? That's literally what happens
The electorate won? 'The electorate' is everyone in a country who had the right to vote. So how did the electorate win?
Would you be saying this if the u.k had voted to stay? Just have another vote to make sure we want to stay in the e.u every 4 years.