So you're championing something that increases Red Tape, administration, time and cost, yet gets the same end result? Great stuff. Take back control.
Precisely this. Australia has a visa for agricultural workers which seems to work fine. Might even be a few jobs in administering such a scheme.
Your right let's just let every continent have free movement to the U.K asia,Africa,north/south america..... save on administration and no red tape *the mind boggles*
where did I say people from the UK could no longer work in the EU - I didnt say it was impossible just a lot more difficult. I still dont know if I need some sort of work visa for my trips to Austria and Germany - I didnt back in the early 80's -but it looks like I might now. As for musicians not only do they need Carnets but they need work visas as well which arent cheap - and - though I stand to be corrected on this I think they will need a visa per country. if you are planning a tour of several countries that gets expensive very fast I also well remember messing around with Carnets or having to get to airports hours early if hand carrying a spare part or equipment and it was a real pain though thats a goods issue not a person issue. Can you remind me of the benefits of stopping Freedom of movement for British passport holders
Luxury!!! I used to be the tour manager as well as keyboard/piano. We had over two tons of Gear instruments lighting pa cabling and personal items and Every item even Power leads had to be itemised on the multiple carbon copied Yellow forms including serial numbers where applicable. 15 Bloody Pages of them!! On the positive side they were so complicsted at Every border they took one look at the first two pages and stamped the rest witjout even looking at them . At least nowadays the border between UK and the mainland Europe Is likely to be the only point since pretty much the rest of Europe has open Borders under Schengen.
Regarding this Brexit Deal the way I see it is it boils down to Trade ( jobs depend on this) there's Goods and services, Take Goods the E.U. as a surplus meaning the E.U. trade more goods to us than we do to them so this Trade deal Bojo as come up with is more important to the E.U, than the U.K. Take Services the U.K. as a surplus its one of the biggest U.K. exports I just can not see anything in this deal advantageous to the U.K. leaving the U.K. losing all its advantages. Looks like the larger party in all respects (the E.U.) as got what it wants and the smaller party(the U.K,) as to abide.
It will be very difficult under the proposed immigration laws for any unskilled worker to get into the UK. They have to be earning £25,000 a year to apply. That effectively rules out fruit pickers and care home workers, these being particular jobs that we can't fill with British people.