What do you feel like you've been mis-sold though? I knew getting Reserved + I was unlikely to get all away games as I never thought the EFl would let the club bundle them in. Some clubs didn't even sell season tickets. It's such a random season I'm not sure what approach is the right one, but I think money in the door was probably the right choice.
The majority of clubs still don't offer midweek away games as part of their season ticket package. Of the away clubs tomorrow night, off the top of my head, Blackburn charged between £399 and £499 for season tickets. Derby have various prices but they're all over a hundred pound more than ours, minimum. Cardiff similar to Blackburn, Bristol City also. Then there are the likes of Coventry who didn't sell season tickets. They do nothing. Their fans just buy Match Passes. The club have indeed got one or two things wrong with the membership offering, particularly last season. But not intentionally. And this season has been challenging for obvious reasons. I explained this in a previous thread in reply to SuperTyke, regards the shirts and the tunnel for example. But in comparison to our 23 competitors, I think our offering has been outstanding at the cheapest prices in the division. Only last week we sent every junior fan a Christmas card from Val and Alex. Then called a number of Reserved+ members for zoom calls with Sole, Alex, Cauley and Chaps. There have been endless giveaways. But again, with the virus and the restrictions that imposes, it's been tough to do as much as we'd like. I'm proud of what we've done during these difficult times. Not just this season, but during the initial return last season. That was a very tough period and we really came together as a club and fought our corner. There's only three of us in the division producing full size physical programmes every game too. We've smashed it out of the park this last year and so no, I'm not having it from SuperTyke that employees of this 'greedy' club don't care. Especially regards this Rotherham match. As time will show. I highly doubt there were office staff from other clubs on their club's forum at silly o'clock trying to sort fans' iFollow issues out for example. I'm sorry for banging on, but this notion that folk at the club don't care has really ****** me off. Which is what SuperTyke was probably aiming for.
Just to clarify whitey I mean those running/owning the club don't care not that people like you and Beth who I praise all the time don't.
Apologies for asking a basic question. If a Barnsley fan buys tomorrow’s match via i follow tomorrow, who gets what % of the fee?
Thing is buddy, I've been on this forum for two decades, so I know how you work. It can be the smallest issue in the world but you'll turn it into something huge. So I get that. I understand what you're like when you've a bee in your bonnet. And I am 100% behind anyone complaining regards tomorrow's game. But I am telling you for a fact that this is not of our doing. It was dropped on us recently by the EFL. It's their league. We can't just magic up codes. We have to do as we are told. But we did argue the point, did fight our corner. But it was stipulated from the outset 'EFL and broadcast partners permitting' so there's not much we can do. We are still in dialogue and trying to sort something, but I have zero confidence on it. Feel free to check the other away clubs tomorrow night and let me know what they've said/done about it. But please stop these silly comments aimed at club employees. You can say it's aimed elsewhere, but I know different. Remember when JamDrop and others complained recently about the weird font we were using on twitter? Did I not see that and (eventually) make sure we stopped using it? So I know why folk kick off on here sometimes. They're hoping I can see it and help. Which I try to. As do others (like Beth). But we can't fix this one, and I'm sorry about that. My job would be a piece of p*** if I never looked online or gave a toss what fans thought. And that is genuinely how most clubs function.
My comments genuinely aren't aimed at the people like you. They're aimed at people like Dane and Paul etc who run and own the business. Let's say that YOU physically can generate a load of promo codes at the club's expense for tomorrow. Would I expect YOU to do that or make that decision? Hell no you'd most likely get sacked for it. It's those much higher up than you who I would expect to do something like that so I assure you the criticism is at them not at you. They're responsible for things not the front line staff.
We can all be glad we're not Wednesday fans I suppose who have yet to be refunded for games from last season or season tickets.I
This was the summary on the club website around the time I purchased my season pass in early June. The URL is still active I think and gave a summary for each membership level. The pricing link stated that for the extra £40 a replica shirt would be supplied. https://www.barnsleyfc.co.uk/news/2020/may/seasonal-memberships-on-sale/
Fair play to YT and Loko for taking the time to respond to someone that's constantly looking for negatives or a battle.
same quotes for home games and away games. If the EFL had decided that the Boxing day fixture wasn't permitted cos it was in the Christmas period would folk feel the same, just pay the extra tenner?
My thought exactly. The fact so many are complaining about paying a tenner and showing support, demonstrates exactly why we will always be a small club.
With respect - I know it's tough for you - I'm not a junior fan, and I've no interest in a Zoom call. I want what I paid for, and am not bothered about any extras. The club - not you personally, you're just an employee doing whatever you're told to do - should have done more with regards to the Rotherham game. Pay for the codes as an organisation, and offer them out. If not that, a club statement expressing disappointment or anger would have been nice. As it is, the club have done bugger-all, and left you to try to mollify people, which you're doing because you're a nice, helpful bloke who truly gives a fvck about how Barnsley FC are perceived. Would that everyone else did.
I got reserve plus last year. What was that thing they said we could have that simply didn't happen at all? Can't remember now.
Fair point, but even standard (reserved) members like myself were subject to the "if" in respect of home games - at the time of renewals there wasn't even a guarantee that any match could be streamed for any club if I recall correctly? I think the supporters have been badly treated in respect of the Rotherham game, but by the EFL/iFollow. Can only speculate on how hard the club have tried to get a resolution. Whether anyone would pay had the boxing day game been removed from access via membership is very subjective. My codes have been used by my son down in his digs at Birmingham University so I've seen very little of our matches until he returned for Christmas. There was no point in him renewing his membership as he would have normally been away for most of the season, him being able to watch the match has helped him whilst living within restrictions as a student. I don't think I'd pay to stream a match, but that's purely my own take in it.
There was an online members portal site thing whatever that was. Turns out it was advertised before they realised they didn't know how to do it. Wasn't there also some behind the scenes stadium tours or something and giveaways etc? I can't remember exactly what they failed on but it was a lot. But it's ok I'm just moaning for the sake of it and need putting back on my shelf because people have died this year.
As I say, we are still trying to find some sort of resolution. But thanks for your kind words. I've also never heard of the word mollify before either, and I love the English language so I'm having that.