Was looking at old photos and there s one of the kids on a sled wearing their school uniform. Nothing better for them than getting ready for school only to find out its closed!
No idea about compo, but unless it happens automatically I'll not pursue it. There's been a small army of workers here round the clock, they've done their best to sort the problem as quickly as possible.
That too! Bear in mind I've been subjected to endless games of Boggle over Xmas so my lexicon is fully polished.
we been playing boggle too,when the toilet stopped flushing our lass was saying "the boggle bust if you keep doing poos like that " , #toomuchinfo soz
my dad made me a sledge in the 70s out of wood metal carpet grippers and a cut off chair to sit on, he took us to biggest hill in area ,it was the equivalent to a Russian bob sleigh but instead of a helmet I had a bobble hat (no pun intended),my gran had knitted and she was a slack knitter so no protection at all to be fair , 1st run it got up so much speed, its only by luck of god a toddler or small dog or anything really in the way was not injured, I bailed out about 30 metres from place everyone had been stopping when I started glowing like that kid in the ready brek adverts, ended up with a busted nose, not good at anytime even worse in snow, the sledge carried on and ended up demolishing a pallet fence of a house at bottom of the hill, it was its only ever run and later that day we went back out with a trusty plastic sack, happy days
we looked at a lodge just above you at a place called Banchory have you been and is area ok for holiday if we can eventually go?
Yeah Banchory in Aberdeenshire is beautiful. Your queen holidays in that area so it must have something going for it. Get the weather and you will be sorted. Good fishing in the rivers there if that’s your thing
last time we was up your way, we went to an Highland games, a very posh slightly typsy gentleman dressed in tweed came over and admired my lurcher,saying "what a wonderful looking thief", hope he was on about the lurcher