Let’s take some time to appreciate the full hilarity of the situation: In no particular order... A bloke so self absorbed that he needs his name written in seats, takes over the club. He appoints one manager after another each of which racks up £ millions in wages of players. In a rather pathetic attempt to hide the fact they are breaking rules, some non existent sponsors are created. Sponsors can’t go on the shirts because the non existent shirt supplier can’t make the shirts. When the company is producing anything at all - which isn’t often, it’s drinks, not football shirts. Wednesday have points deducted. The only rivals they care about are promoted to the Premier League, along with a rival they care about a little bit but pretend they don’t care about. Wednesday’s non existent kit supplier “Elevate” (a bit of a contradiction) contrives to create the ugliest away kits ever seen. Not a problem though as not available for fans to buy, because the kit supplier still isn’t a kit supplier. On the arrival of new manager Tony Pulis, aforementioned kit supplier is sent into panic at the demands for a baseball style cap. Brenda in the club shop saves the day by sewing a badge onto Tony’s adidas cap. Sadly, the badge peels off in the second half of Tony’s first game. On the pitch, the Owls are unable to use players like Westwood - because he costs too much if he appears, and Hutchinson, because he’s too much of an @rse. The Owls lose to teams like Rotherham, Wycombe and Barnsley, but victory over Bournemouth gives hope of a Play off spot. Mark from Pitsmoor tells everyone to get behind Chansiri. Whispers begin that players and staff haven’t been paid full wages. Wednesday fans suggest they buy Sam Vokes or Lewis Grabban. New signing Josh Windass wants to leave. Adam Reach is useless and a demi-God in the same week. Bannan needs to leave/ is the only man who can lead the Owls to the Premier League. Mark from Pitsmoor checks the league table. Wednesday are still bottom. Wednesday who just 2 seasons ago had more strikers than they knew what to do with, have a striker shortage. Yet 8 million pound striker who is too scared to take penalties can’t get a game. Wednesday beat Coventry, the play offs are within grasp. More rumours about non payment of players, and Pulis being unhappy with January transfer proposals. Wednesday take 4 points out of a possible 6. Pulis is sacked. Staff order him a taxi but realise that taxi company doesn’t exist. They call City cars instead. Elevate order for 20,000 baseball caps is halted. Lead contender for Manager’s position is the Barnsley Manager with the lowest win ratio of all time. Wednesday fans prepare themselves for Admin. Have i missed anything?
Is their main stand still sponsored by a balloon manufacturer with a website that looks like it was created on a ZX81?
. The fans cheered him on too . I did work with a few Wednesdayites and did warn them if they failed to get promoted they d be in trouble . Too late for them now , the horse has bolted . Ps video link courtesy of owlstalk . At least their trying to keep their sense of humour .
Who the hell is advising Chansiri? They had that woman who was at Charlton and she was hated. They've made some appalling decisions and quite frankly I see them heading for admin soon. Chansiri clearly didn't like being told a few home truths by Pulis reference the state of the playing squad
He's been had , I'll say that much . Things started so well too then the sillyness started . George Boyd on 40 k a week type of thing . Sure they had doyen sports advising DC who I'm guessing are agents and who " advised" him on what players to sign . Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what's happened , especially if doyen were taking a % of wages from their players .
Phone in on radio dee dar between 2pm and 3pm . You could be laughing some more if you choose to tune in .