The last person I shook hands with before lockdown was Niles Rodgers (he of Chic fame), what an absolute gent. I know Chris Difford of Squeeze, he’s a bit of a dick, I know Nick Feldman (bassist and one half of Wang Chung - he says he’s Wang but I suspect he’s really Chung) - top bloke. I met Michael Caine on a flight to Miami, he was pleasant and polite, as was David Beckham when Mrs Cake met him at Wimbledon.
Many years ago, my Grandmother who was living on the South Road estate in Dodworth at the time, answered a knock at the door. It was a stranger asking if she knew where her next door neighbour was. She said she didn't. The stranger said he'd come all the way from Manchester to buy a gun from him. He then asked my Grandmother if she could let her neighbour know he'd called. "Certainly. What's your name?" "Ian Brady" came the reply.
I’ve spent some time with a few musicians. Probably fall short of being A Listers though; Tony Hadley, Tim Burgess, Rick Witter and the whole Shed Seven band, Madness including Suggs. As you can imagine, from that list the Madness boys were the most difficult but still fun. Danny Wallace is a top top bloke. Writer, presenter, DJ.
This one is about the current Mrs. D R. A few years ago she was on a theatre club trip to Great Malvern to see the play "Quartet". She went into a cafe for lunch and bumped into a woman she thought she recognised. This thought was obviously receiprocated but she could not put a name to the face. After exchanging pleasantries to each other the said goodbye. When the play started Mrs D R recognised the lady when she walked on stage. It was Gwen Taylor the actor, who she had never met before.
I had a chat with Bobby Hassell once. He didn't seem shy - it was in the changing rooms at the Sports Direct gym up Harborough Hill which the team used to use when it was also open to the public. He was stark bollock naked at the time and didn't have anything to be modest about!! Not that I stared....easy to talk to..he was out injured at the time and we chatted about that. Apart from that I have been introduced to Princess Anne and shook her gloved hand and she asked me a question or two about my work. Also Chris Patten - the last Governor of Hong Kong. On a couple of occasions - I used to teach his daughter and he would sit in line at parents' evenings. I also used to know Deryck Murray the West Indian wicket keeper back in the late 1960s and went to a party at Gary Sober's house in Nottingham.Deryck was playing for Nottinghamshire then and and went on to Warwickshire. We lost touch - but a little googling finds out he is now the High Commissioner for Trinidad and Tobago, In Jamaica. I might drop him an email and see if I can get an invite....
I live near Tim Burgess and we use the same record shop, not bumped into him yet but it’s probably going to happen at some point.
Oh yeah, I met feargal just to shake hands in the walkabout. Only briefly. I've met Keith Duffy a few times at drifting events. My lad when he was about 14 spent some time as a pit assistant. He told me Keith's team japspeed were legendary not just on the track but for getting through beer as fast as tyres. (If you've seen any drifting you will know that means a lot of beer).
It was my great grandparents and yes they were They made the front cover of the Chronicle when they brought family allowance in - they were all in a line apart from my nan who was working. She helped a lot bringing them up
Loads of pleasant ones but only one knOb. Step up Ian Botham. I'd travelled all way to NZ to watch England cricket. Night before the first test in Dunedin we were out having a meal and spied him and his party sat in the restaurant opposite. As one of my sporting heroes I wanted a pic and an autograph. Didnt go across and interrupt his evening. Bided my time for an hour or so until he left then I approached him. Yes he did stand for a foto and when I look at it you'd think if just **** in his pocket. No words like enjoy the test,where you travelled from? Etc. What a miserable arrogant get he was that evening.
My mum works for Vab and has helped Bruce a few times with his charity work - think he's scared of her - his nickname for her is Rottweiler
Nice ones. (Non BFC) Bez, Bonehead, Dalglish, Duncan Goodhew, Dai Bradley, Danny Kelly, Steve Davis, Sam and Mark, Hoddle and Waddle, Stu Francis, Neil Fitzmaurice, Shearer Probably more but i would have been p1ssed
Have you still got the film clip of Neil Redfearn hoping you would get better soon? BigL and myself were to go to see Redders in one of the "Evening with.." at the Lamproom. BigL was ill and couldn't make it, so I asked Redders to make a short film wishing him well. Only too happy to oblige!
Not actually famous but known in the footballing world, was working on the prison vans and pulled into the services on the M3, I'd never stopped their before so it was unfamiliar to me, I turned into the car park but turned down a exit only, straight away I realised what I had done, reversed out, gave myself a bollocking and parked up safely, Nigel bloody Spakman came up to me and said that's a one way, I said yes I know I realised, i reversed out and parked here, " you need to be careful as that was one one way" Yes Nigel I know, I ain't 8, now F€£ck off, and BTW you were 5hit at Barnsley, enjoy ya day, he then scurried off
Didn’t speak to her but got close enough to take these two pics of Angelina Jolie whilst in New York.