I doubt you’re being thick. Probably my half glanced reply to be fair. Zero of my Reserved + friends were bothered about paying £10. On here it seemed about 50/50 from the two threads I saw.
Whereas I know personally (including me) three plus members and all were annoyed at being charged twice for it simply because someone decided Tuesday wasn't Tuesday and on here I saw quite a lot of reserved plus members with the same view. I think that is a lot like the Twitter echo chamber thing or the Facebook political ads. You see things which share your view because largely your friends tend to share views with you. Anyway I'm just glad the club sorted it
But what I saw were Reserved Plus members annoyed, but mainly understandable that this wasn’t the club’s doing. Anger aimed at the EFL. Those who were the most vocal, on multiple platforms, seemed mostly annoyed at the club, and with a majority not being Reserved Plus members. It’s done now anyway thankfully. Three points, a clean sheet, and a refund for those who want it. I’ll take two out of three on that.