As we sit here staring at a little piece of glass and looking forward to more lockdowns have a read of this short story. ‘The Machine Stops’ by E. M. Forster. 14-The Machine Stops.pdf Bear in mind this was written over 100 years ago (1909). Discuss.
I kept picking it up and putting it down, l hate when l read books like that so I'm saving it for the summer holidays when l can read them straight through.
I read John Lanchester's the Wall in early lockdown. Made sense of how societal norms can change quickly. Had to read a few cheerier books afterwards...
Currently re-reading Damon Runyon’s ‘On Broadway’. A brilliant collection of short stories written in 1930s New York. All about speak-easies, bootleggers, gangsters and mills. Wonderful stuff, impossible to read with a New Yoik accent in your head.
Val McDermid - brilliant crime writer. Just discovered Graham Hurley - reading 'Sins of the Father.' The authors I can't read - JK Rowling's Harry Potter books - and Hilary Mantell (like reading a history textbook.)
I am trying to read Danny Baker , Going to Sea In a Sieve,up to page 27,then end up on internet just,well just,gosh it wastes your life away on the www
Read game of thrones and lord of rings etc but I mainly read autobiography’s Some really good ones though, too many to mention but really enjoyed Jimmy white Steven Adler Mike Tyson Shaun Ryder Tony adams (an old one but still very good)
Me too, but I'm saving A Little Hatred until the rest of the trilogy is out (preferably at knockdown prices!). I don't necessarily read them back to back, but the gap between the individual books being published is too long for me, even if it's only 12 months. George Martin. Scott Lynch. Patrick Rothfuss. Great writers, but it's painful waiting for their next instalments...
Done the first 2 (all that’s out) of this new trilogy and loved em. Devour all his books. The man can write, has me laughing out loud, LOL in the modern parlance
I can often read up to three books a week so use my Kobo a great deal. I have just finished the Prey series from start to finish then the Virgil Flowers books. This week it's Len Deighton Game Set And Match (again). I do love my books .
I've only recently got into reading. Never got much enjoyment out of it. I read a book a few years ago called Orphan X, and really enjoyed it. During the lockdown, I decided to read the sequel, The Nowhere Man. I enjoyed it, but I was dipping in and out. Rather than reading the rest of the series, I thought I'd try something else, that might have me hooked. Last week I started a book called What Lies Between Us by John Marrs, and this morning, I finished it. It was incredible, and seems to be the book that has finally got me into reading