You take the rules of the tier you live in with you. So if you live in tier 4 but work in tier 3 you wouldn’t be allowed to go to a non-essential shop in the tier 3 area after work.
The theory being that your tier 3 mate is less likely to have been in contact with infectious people, as there’s less of them around. It would have been more stupid to allow those who live in tier 4 areas and work in tier 3 areas to go to shops in tier 3 areas, but with the rest of their household (who don’t work in tier 3 areas) not allowed to.
You could ask them to go to the shops for you . That's about how ludicrous this whole tier system is .
Nobody has said that. Ever. If everyone wears a mask it greatly decreases the likelihood of the virus transmitting person to person. Its not infallible but it helps. Its far more important for your own safety that others wear a mask than yourself.
In laboratory conditions with trained disciplined professionals yes they help, in real world scenario they really don't and the instant masks became mandatory infections started to rise. Not because masks themselves don't work because it's obvious that a physical barrier in front of your mouth and nose will help but because masks replaced social distancing for the vast majority of people
I reckon the BBS should stop messing about on a forum, and form a new global scientific advisory body. I can’t believe it’s not been done already. Millions of lives could be saved.
Boris looking to replace SAGE with BBS. I never realised so many scientists specialising in epidemiology were Barnsley fans. In just over a generation the occupation of the supporter group has changed dramatically from the miners to the scientists, probably worth updating the club crest too.
really inconsiderate, not doing more with this primordial expertise. 83 million cases and nearly 2 million deaths across every inhabited continent on the planet. poor show.
An example of the sound medical advice we would get if we combined the two…. I went to the Doctor’s the other day and said, “Doctor I think I’m a pair of curtains.” He said “pull yourself together.”
As a matter of interest. Are these no mark journalists and members of the public hand picked not to ask the real important questions? Making life easy for the lump of lard and the two puppets by his side
The point is it might be twice as bad if people weren't wearing masks. Surgeons don't wear masks to protect themselves from patients. Genuinely baffled as to why people can't understand how masks help prevent the spread of a respiratory illness.