It was 'the' Ian Brady, old mate. It was only a few months before his face was plastered all over the newspapers & the television. She recognised him immediately and her next door neighbour was extremely embarrassed about actually knowing him.
Met loads of people from bands. I was a fairly anonymous guitar player, but playing with Dave Kusworth opened a few doors. Especially with Creation label mates. Lads from Primals, Oasis, Fannies etc.. we opened for a lot of them. I’m relatively a footnote to all that, but it’s amazing how far the music went. Morissey came to see us, but didn’t say hello. camden Falcon early 94ish. But I did become good friends with Peter Perrett, Chuck Prophet & the lass from the Cranberries.. Missed out on meeting Sonic Youth, Tom Waits & Alice Cooper, after I left the band.. oh, & my first ever little job in London was covering for a pal cleaning Sharon Osbournes management flat in Maida Vale. I was 20. Never met Sharon, but Ozzy used it to crash when in a bender in London. First time, told me to turn the ******* hoover off & belched in my face. All I notice was his **** & balls hanging out of his robe.. true story.. Liam was/is a lovely fella. He was round ours once, trying to get into my flat mate Anna’s knickers. Which I don’t think he managed, but I fed his driver veggie burgers & quavers, it’s all we had in. He was worried the Range Rover might get a ticket. Seen them a few times since. Oh, & Shane McGowan, few times when he was staying at Gerry O’Boyles pub In Highgate.Probably the most easy going chats I ever had, for a shy boy like me.
When I was guest presenting on Radio Hallam's Country Wednesday I met Elton John, Errol Brown, David Allan Coe and Slade who were in adjoining studios discussing their latest releases. Through running a Country Music Club with my mates, met US artists Dan Seals, Jim Glaser, Tompall Glaser, Wendell Adkins, Steve Young ( Wrote Seven Bridges Road for the Eagles). Attending the Peterborough Festival of Country Music, met Frank Ifield, Lonnie Donegal, Stonewall Jackson plus several top U.K. Bands. Football- Bill Shankly, Alick Jeffrey, Peter Doherty, Harry Gregg, Norman Whiteside, David Sadler. I attended a Johnstone Paints Centenary celebration in Manchester and their guest presenter was Emlyn Hughes. Spent a couple of hours in his company talking about his career. His one regret was when with Liverpool he never got on with Tommy Smith, but he didnt elaborate. It was only some years later I met the Energy Manager for Lancashire County Council and he told me that Smithy hated Emlyn with a passion. One reason was that Shanks and Bob Paisley took the captaincy from him and handed it to Hughes, plus he alleged that Hughes had approached him and two other Liverpool defenders to assess whether they were up to fixing a result against Arsenal.
David Dimbleby - Mevagissey in Cornwall, he was walking around during a break in filming for a series he was doing about Britain about 10yrs ago. I said “Morning”, he nodded, smiled and said “Morning”. Not the the most in depth of chats I’ll admit Steve McMahon - when he was Swindon manager in mid-90’s. Company I worked for sponsored Swindon at time and had a ‘friendly’ against them for charity. Match was not friendly at all, they kicked the sh*t out of us but McMahon signed my mates Liverpool shirt for him afterwards and passed a few mins chatting.
Met Irish singer Ruby Murray on a number of occasions..,lovely lady , introduced me to Tommy Cooper once backstage at Blackpool North Pier show.
Kylie - Really down to earth Danni Minogue - Same as Kylie, went to her 21st birthday party Donnie Osman - Awesome guy Jason Donovan - Nice guy OMD - Andy McCluskey - Was arrogant Meatloaf -Very quiet guy softly spoken Lenny Kravitz - What a dude Shaggy - Treated everyone like his family Mike Joyce & Andy Rourke from The Smiths - A laugh a minute Julian Lennon - Came across as really intelligent Rick Astley - Really shy
I have just thought of a new one Rolf Harris at Whipsnade safari park in 1996, kept walking behind the shot and they had to stop filming, Rolf stormed off and me and our lass was ejected from area,we was just trying to get on telly,said to our lass that Rolf not as nice as he paints himself
Once met the Queen when i was a kid. I travel a lot so tend to bump into a number of personalities. From a sporting angle i have had chats with Amir Khan also Kell Brook both ok but Khan was more talkative. Last one i met was Danny Mills on a flight to Malaysia earlier this year. At that time i also had a chat with Wes Brown who wouldn't stop talking. Many others but once stood with the entire Man Utd team who were waiting to board a flight. Ronaldo,Van der Sar etc. Roony was great and spotted a lad in an Everton shirt so he went over and sat and chatted. Others were just one word answers when chatting. Also met many Ice Hockey personalities, Teemu Selane at Helsinki airport once who was great to chat to and couldn't figure why a brit spotted him before any Finns. He played for the Anaheim Ducks at that time. Locally i know Ron Shudra former Steeler and local Ice Hockey legend very well. Met many musical celebs and was once sat next to Bryan Adams at a hockey game. He was a bit reluctant to get into any conversation especially as i hadn't noticed him lol. Many others such as Echo & the Bunnymen, OMD, etc but my fav was The Clash where we were invited to have a few drinks with all of em around a big stage after a gig. What a wonderful night full of great chat for 2-3 hours. Im collaborating with a few people in the industry right now, some US known artists and a UK former artist who wrote a couple fo big hits, played keyboards with Boy George etc. I bump into people occasionally such as Peter Hook, Clint Boon etc in Manchester occasionally in Piccadilly records. Acting and TV i met Naga Munchety. But was also on a flight from NY once and had a quick chat with Peter Postlethwaite (RIP). The most ignorant was Geoff Boycott. Oh, i also know Whitey, Bossman and Matt Bailey well. Do they count?
She was friendly, nice and chatty, but she kept taking the conversation to her work and busy schedule.
Seeing him on TV has just reminded me that Premier League ref Lee Mason was in my football team at Uni in Liverpool - sorry Lee
I quite like her interviews , she seems to know her stuff and listen and respond to what the interviewee has to say.
Met Andy Booth (ex Hudderfield Town) at school through his work with the Huddersfield Town Foundation. He brought the play off trophy to display so the kids cold have their picture taken with it. My stipulation was that he buggered off if I was going to have mine picture taken as I didn't want to be pictured with an ex-Wednesday player. It made him laugh.
I've met Paul Hudson the Look North weatherman on a few occasions... been to his house just outside Leeds a couple of times...really nice lad. I know Ed Miliband quite well, I've always quite liked him but he went up immeasurably recently in my opinion...I lost my old Mum at the start of December and received a very nice message of condolence from him. Bit of a and professional Yorkshireman Barry Rutter. I allowed my boozer to be used FOC as the set for a film by the Northern Film School. They filmed for over a week, so I got to see, talk to and listen to the actors in their downtime between shooting. There was a cast of around ten, three of those I recognised from parts in TV and films, the best known being Ian Mercer who had a few years in Coronation Street as Gary Mallett...he was as sound as a pound...Mr Rutter was obviously the star of the film...although far from the best actor in my view, he stayed aloof from the other actors wearing a cravat and artists smock...nothing wrong with that as such but there were a couple of crowd scenes where they asked for local people to fill in as extras (unpaid)...for anyone who's never seen a film being's 90% hanging around doing nothing, the extras were there for hours on end for not a of them asked Rutter for an autograph, he walked away and said..." I don't do TV..... I do theatre".....well Barry I've seen a lot of you in the past mate and I can assure you I've seen a lot of your TV crap . Actually it sparked a bit of a problem because the film's writer wanted to rip Rutter's head off. I had quite a few good drinks with the rest of the cast, and one of the subjects that came up was, biggest t**ts you've worked with...I wish I could remember all the names mentioned but the consensus was that the biggest tw*t was Brian Conley, apparently if he thought the warm up comic had done too well he'd have him replaced.
Guessing ATP? I wasn't at the Matt Groening one, but I've probably seen more famous people (for a given value of famous) in the arcade at Minehead Butlins than everywhere else put together.